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Nick G

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About Nick G

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  1. I went a good few years ago now so can't really comment on food prices etc. The site is pretty large , but it's quite manageable to walk around and see everything . The pits is well worth a good look around. Be prepared for awesome cars , many of them being driven hard up the hill , and a serious soundtrack from them. There were top fuel drag cars there when I went, the sound when they fired up infront of the house was deafening ! It's a fantastic experience for any petrol head , you'll have an amazing time.
  2. Absolutley go after them big time. I'd be asking questions of the Dr too if he said 'keep taking it' after you reported issues. Are doctors in the States paid by drug companies to prescribe their products ? Not sure how it works on your side of the pond. Fingers crossed it can be managed and you get to see your Grand kids growing up and spreading their wings. Keep fighting.
  3. Glad you have a diagnosis and are on the road to recovery . Fingers crossed you are home for Christmas ! All the best for a speedy recovery.
  4. What size are the holes for side lights on the front ? I've used 3mm LEDs in the past on a Sand scorcher to replace the front indecators. Not wired up , just glued into position. Nick
  5. Looks fantastic ! great build.
  6. Simply stunning build ! Hats off to you sir.
  7. Not going to happen, but I'd like a re re of the original Hilux
  8. That works really well ! looks great .
  9. Interestingly my King Tiger which I bought 30 something years ago , and which I spent hours making up the tracks on from seperate links and pins is still running those original tracks. And it's had lots of use over the years on all sorts of surfaces with no issues to date.
  10. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FlyOlqVqbWd0%3Fsi%3DTk8qsRQLdj3Lld-K%26fbclid%3DIwAR1k-1m1Rxq2jOK87w3w1-ULeDyyRpehqDz_XD0oIvccih4h75dvoM5gkh4&h=AT1WUGCn2L_oQXEqBI8VyxVqygEls5Kj925ZDpLELsRwuZK-0j_LY5gLzG-8HAITJT1OMeKnyK_lgWhw4RVvpiS0IkVSPBtxsTXkg7ulfPz5_BLZRpAjGI4xab72TT_H3Z-N7GE3xaEk_V6qNtNlqQrZlLqfDJNV&__tn__=R&c[0]=AT0GCJt5YnT-hzad-79V6PJsnvpiSxqLpBBy3THIRAoYPJtppjup2rDT6AW4xT9SNY9VDSU-Wt46xGkBBKEIPX1XYs3VKCmYZLbRE6xA2rzWR0YQlKwQNw4ENP354ZT5pvp3juo9BWzcO8tMuACe1XoRCOAgtw56nrfan7aSqlZ5pR8_SsNX3_LURSPI2E5rQ6ayJqppeAwhvJ3k-W56cZfpoQhh Bit of Stratos action for everyone to enjoy
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