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About ad456

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  1. It’s what I use on my Clod Buster CVDs and a few others so I don’t create grinding paste. It’s seemed to work fine but haven’t tried it on ball ends yet but the theory “feels” sound.
  2. Would graphite dust for locks be a good option? Nothing for dirt to stick to, no residues to remove if changing to another lubricant and it’s a cheap as it comes. It would also be fine on plastic or metal balls I’d imagine.
  3. @alvinlwh top stuff man, many thanks!!
  4. Mine is like a shed version of @Saito2’s picture. I try and keep it to a manageable mess(by my standards which are pretty low) and have a very good mate come over for a day every couple of years to get me back to what would a mess by a normal persons standard. My excuse is “why do I want to tidy when there’s ideas going to waste!” I used to try harder to get neat but what’s the sense in trying to fight a tide.
  5. There are scorpion parts on the unknown front but I don’t readily recognise the arms and knuckles. The towers and bar clamp is from a scorpion and it looks like bits of the chassis rails.
  6. Top shout @Wooders28! I meant to do this last week. And yeah, the “summer” eh, haven’t gotten out for much of a play myself either.
  7. @Ziddan did you ever have any luck with this? I just blew a FS-r9b and a FS-r6b and am looking to maybe repair them and was interested in how you got on with yours.
  8. I have both. The CPE ones are from RC4WD. My ones sit on the shelf as they don’t fit my Clod, they are slightly wide and bind madly on the knuckles. I didn’t fit them within a sensible amount of time after I bought them so never bothered to complain but it was enough to put me off another set and it’s well known RC4WD can be hit n miss. The TTR ones are what I’d recommend every day of the week. Maybe @87lc2 might be able to weight in with some Clod experience.
  9. I’ve run this on my Trail Finder 2 with a 1080 G1 at 7.4v and it has handled it fine but your mileage might vary!!
  10. Maybe give one of the mods a chance to help out before doing much more then.
  11. The main site and the forum aren’t the same system. You can have the same user name if it’s not taken on one or the other but you need two accounts, one for the main site and one for the forum if I remember correctly.
  12. My local Tamiya dealer is a 5 minute walk away, they don’t stock much but will order anything they can get for me, super nice people and while they aren’t RC specialists they are very helpful and keen to listen. If I need Lipos etc I use the same place in Dingwall that @alvinlwh referring to or use HobbyKing or CNHL. Everything is mail order or travel if it’s not Tamiya basically. I have a couple of Kyosho and love them and are fairly reliable. Broken a few parts but can have stuff in from Japan to North Scottish Isles in a couple of weeks if there’s nothing closer which is rare. I’d assume it would be the same situation for anything Carten if I had one, that’s the way it goes for my Axial, RC4WD and ECX stuff and unless the dreaded back order hits then stuff seldom sits waiting. In short brands make no difference to me as the internet is quick enough and surprises aren’t common as I usually check parts availability before I buy a model. Any shop that are worth dealing with will have a decent return policy and act like adults, if they don’t then don’t give them return business.
  13. Here’s a business that does electroplating and states it makes ABS brittle https://www.borough.co.uk/electroplating-process/#:~:text=The plating process effectively bonds,Plating ABS makes it brittle.
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