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Everything posted by Evan522

  1. drag brake already enabled. Thanks for your suggestion.
  2. It is not easy to control RC cars on a slope surface. Just for fun. 20190421_180324.mp4
  3. It is a balloon... The shape likes the picture below.
  4. The protection effect is not bad after the car runs a couple of times Thanks for reading the post 20190314_232516.mp4
  5. New tires for my Wild One Off-Roader.
  6. Another view angle 20190228_104118.mp4
  7. Having fun with Tamiya Wild One off-roader Thanks for watching 20190228_104835.mp4
  8. Awesome and beautiful upgrade Especially the front shock absorbers
  9. Thanks for replies. The width of the original plastic adapters is 19mm and the width of the Hex adapters I used is same. Wheels can be tightened by lock nut when using the Hex adapter. The below picture shows adapter's dimension.
  10. To prevent the gearbox from hitting rocks often, I used a 12 mm hex adapter to connect the bigger tires.
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