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About undertheradar

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  1. I have relatives going to Kyoto next month. Does anyone know of any stores in Kyoto? I did a quick search but couldn’t find anything They are also going to Osaka (I found Super Rajikon and RC Champ) and Tokyo (Super Rajikon and Tam Tam). Any other suggestions. Looking for a high end transmitter so any shop is going to be sufficient. Thanks.
  2. Looks like the MTR is FH5. Those clone receivers won’t work but someone on RCTECH said there should be out sometime soon per a listing on Aliexpress. I own a handful of FH4 clones and I’ve never had a problem with the clone FH4 receivers. The prices also went up to about $60. Still a good option
  3. If you are in the Southern California area, Pegasus Hobbbies had about 4-6 of the Kyoshos on the shelf. I don’t the models well enough but they had a few in stock.
  4. I’ve built a b6.3d and 5.0 elite. They are both great builds. I didn’t have any issues with any of the builds. Quality parts. I run the b6.3d more because it’s the main car ran at the track so I have more local support.
  5. The story that has been going around is the church that shared the building with OCRC went and stole the lease from OCRC. OCRC didn’t have a chance renew or negotiate the lease.
  6. the TCS raceway has been closed for at least a couple of years now, I know they closed prior to COVID hitting by at least a year. the closest thing is probably the Tamiya races in the summer. I was at the one at Cal Raceway but it was very race centric. I couldn't stay too long, I was supposed to race rookie but they were running behind schedule and had to leave. It's crazy to think OCRC is now closed but this is cool Tamiya related https://fb.watch/a331AF5fNb/
  7. Honest question. How would he know this? I’m genuinely curious
  8. Carmine, if you are looking to ordering a Clod soon....order from Tower Hobbies and google the Tower coupon code. they have the black super clod for $274, there is a $45 off coupon for items over $260 and free shipping.
  9. thanks guys. I really appreciate it and you guys saved me some money. I eventually want to go the way of Carmine and just start getting a bunch of screws that I usually use. Not related but related, I once ordered a titanium screw set from Yeah Racing and those screws were not good. A couple didn't even have the recess for the hex head, just a button screw with no hex.
  10. ah okay, I saw those too. You didn't have any issues with teamknk? thank you.
  11. I just ordered the black Super Clod, has anyone bought the RCSCREWZ screw set? can anyone vouch for them or the company? I think I'm over the JIS screws.
  12. I have one of these and flipped the gold thingys (don't know what they are called) to the other side. It's tight but works. https://www.hobbytown.com/reedy-sonic-540ft-competition-brushless-motor-fixed-timing-21.5t-asc297/p707277
  13. If this is the part needed as the above links. https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/7-digit-spare-parts/rc-k-parts-58477/
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