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Everything posted by Ferruz

  1. Today is the day I start crackin' on my Turbo Optima Eldorado build 🀠🍹 Contemplation phase lasted over six months, man am I glad to finally get digging into that gold!
  2. We were lucky to have this xmas day enhanced by a lot of fresh snow that fell right on time. I had the right weapon to cope with it! Powesliding galore πŸ˜πŸ‘ Also, I ran it on frozen sand and this was definitely a first for me
  3. This seems to be a rough time for a few of us here, nevertheless Happy Holidays everybody! ❄❄❄
  4. A bunch of unrelated errands brought me close to a hobby shop today, so I popped in to get supplies of my favourite 6mm masking tape. While at it, it was my own wife to suggest I'd stock up on some PS paint as well, since they are illegal in Canada now and for the foreseeable future. Very good thinking dear wife, you are a keeper πŸ˜… There wasn't much left in terms of exciting colors, plus I don't really have any future plans painting wise at the moment, so it wasn't easy to make a random choice. I ended up getting a can of fluorescent green and one of cobalt green. Very excited about the latter and I guess, nothing wrong with hoarding a few extras since it doesn't look like the situation will get better anytime soon. The hobby shop guy, which I believe is a full time static model painter, thinks it will take about two years for Tamiya to figure out a new racipe to get the same quality while abiding the new laws. We shall see, but from the painting point of view I am glad that both my NIB kits waiting for building come with hard shells.
  5. Yesterday I added some bits of orange bling to my Snow Scorcher. A few cheap M3 anodized locknuts make a good visual upgrade, while being very much inexpensive. It worked well on my red and black themed Group C chassis build last year, so I thought why not doing the same on other cars. The nuts Before And after DoneπŸ”ΆοΈπŸ”·οΈπŸ”ΆοΈ
  6. Bud this sounds like RC heaven πŸ‘πŸ™‚
  7. Holiday party at work yesterday, brutally hangover today... just enuff focus left for some rc tinkering 🫠 I bought this wheel/tire set since it was unusually cheap (12 dollars), with the idea of playong around with the looks and stance of my Lancia Delta. I thought the black and chrome colors could potentially look good, matching the front grille. I also remember seeing a few 1:1 Deltas back in the day that had them. Painting the locknuts sure added some extra realism! Very pleased with the result πŸ™‚ now I can look at it while I veg out on the couch.
  8. Had issues with the donation, finally sorted now using another card! I am a dinosaur with no goodle pay and a forgotten paypal account 🀣 I think the fact that we reached the target in under 24 hrs speaks volumes... this in a great community, and we are here for real. Again fantastic idea @Kol__, and @Carmine A hold tight buddy, you'll be able to trade your hospital bed for a nice new kit very soon! πŸ’ͺ
  9. The outing was great, so I doubled down with the Mad Van shortly after. I appreciate how versatile this platform is, last time I drove it was on sand and now it's snow. Not a single problem so far thankfully.
  10. Today I carried out some maintenance work on the Manta Ray and cleaned her up Once done, I took the buggy out for a good spin. The first, thin layer of snow provided some extra fun while keeping the chassis' debris intake to a minimum.
  11. Swapped motors on my A stamp RC10. Off goes the vintage hot Reedy Radon motor, in favour of the even more vintage Associated Stock motor that came with the car. Thankfully both motors are in very good condition, the Reedy one having been ran only once. I will enjoy the (g)olden RC10 with her period correct horsepower, while the spirited Radon motor will be part of my upcoming Turbo Optima Eldorado build, given the shiny gold open endbell which fits perfectly with the color scheme I have in mind. Might be the vintage materials and all that, but I find the RC10 to be one of the most satisfying cars to work on.
  12. During the last few days -and nights- I went through a few battery packs with the Big Boss, rejuvenated with the new dogbones. It is now pulling wheelies again, just like it used to do over 30 years ago while I jumped in awe as a kid, Feels good. P.S: I remember back then I had some fantastic radio/receiver gear, probably worth three times or more what I'm using now! It came with the car but sadly got lost in the sands of time.
  13. Sorry to hear mate, this sucks. Best wishes for a quick recovery, you will make it through this!! πŸ’ͺ
  14. Got my pepperpots wheels back, re-anodized in a much better color. Still not matching the elusive Kyosho Gold, but this is a contrast that I don't mind and that I can work with. Feels much better now, though any feedback is appreciated as my eyes are now saturated!
  15. Time to update the thread, just for the record. After being refunded I also got to keep the wheels, since Pargu never got around to sending me a return label, despite me insisting on it. A few more months passed, during which I inquired pretty much anywhere I could think of for a set of the right color, to no avail. Since I got to keep the aluminum wheels, I also started looking up small to medium anodizing companies in my area and contacted them to inquire about redoing the color on my rims. That too went nowhere. By end of August, I was in Italy when the thought of the coppery pepperpots started to bug me again. While chilling on vacation I looked up some companies around there, 'cause why not? And lo and behold, I soon found a small company in the Milan area that agreed to do the job. Unfortunately, their color palette didn't have an exact match to the elusive Kyosho Gold, but a couple options were close enough to get me excited again. Once back to Canada, I sent off the wheels and another part of the right color as a sample and got the ball rolling. There was flawless communication throughout the whole process, and the final price was also fair. They even anticipated some duty fees for me. I for once had a great customer experience and feel like saying it out loud, as it felt so refreshing. For what I understand, they usually deal with motorbike parts for local customers so nothing rc related, but since they didn't seem to mind and my experience was positive, I still feel like recommending them for whoever may need some custom anodizing. Not sure whether they speak English either, actually, but their work is very good and so is their communication. I don't know if we can post direct links in here, anyway their name is Anodica Express, you can easily look it up or just ask me on PM. And now a few pics of the goodies: yes, unfortunately they are still a different color but I knew that from the get go. I had them done anyway because I was hoping that the two tones would look well together, and I believe now they do. Whereas before the copper wheels felt like a punch in the face when put besides the parts they were supposed to match, I find this old gold to be much more pleasant, closer in shade and, despite the contrast still existing, it's something I can now work with. The finishing is impeccable. Finally happy with this, though the last word can only be said once the car is built.
  16. The Canadian ban on Tamiya rattlecans is still very real. This morning I realized that I needed some black PS paint for an upcoming project, and therefore started calling pretty much every hobby shop in the province to check for availability. All the answers i got were along the lines of "forget about it", more so since I needed black which apparently is always in high demand. The very last place I called still had quite some stock left, including black so... (sound of screeching tires and car driving away) fast forward 45 minutes and there I was getting my precious PS black can. I was of course tempted to buy a few more off his PS stock, but ended up resisting the urge. I lucked out, but the situation is really not looking good. Hopefully it'll somehow get sorted out sooner than later.
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