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About ChILd_ReBoRn

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  1. A massive upgrade. Not sure why I did it.. YR steering was working flawlessly. But I wanted to try it out... In the end.. The winch had to be relocated, several tie rods made.. But it works. This is the maximum throw I can get. Tyres are very close to the arches, and the CVD bent to the maximum.
  2. took off the side skirts.. and added 12mm hex extenders...
  3. Decided to ditch the old round side bumpers.. And made some new ones. Piece of aluminum and old PC case trim.. Looks pretty nice...
  4. I've modded the 4 link a bit more... I'll change the screws with some countersunk ones later... Do I have to change the driveshaft? Or is the stock one good enough? I'm not into the bling stuff.. just performance upgrades.... If I do decide to get a new one.. can I use the 120-155mm one for the current short wheelbase? I'd like to have the possibility to put some longer wheelbase bodies, without the need for another, longer driveshaft...
  5. I've noticed I need an earth anchor for my winch. I've ordered that fancy foldable one, but not sure how much grip will it have in soft to medium soft ground.... so I made a spade anchor...
  6. Servo winch installed. Now, we can go anywhere....Just have to make the anchor...
  7. Thank you. Words like that keep the DIY craft alive.
  8. My Isuzu got a full metal jacket up front weighing in at healthy 2,7 kg including the battery.. Had to make some brass bushings to fit the shocks, since the metal parts don't come with proprietary step down screws..
  9. I've cut up a fridge magnet and put some random stickers on it. Good thing the trailer is steel....
  10. I was told I can't pass the MOT if the trailer isn't lit... I was also told I need a skid plate..... P. S. Forum doesn't work on my PC
  11. added some decals... and a rear hitch, front hitch anchors and a winch guide...
  12. trailer wheels? Just a plain steel axle. I was thinking about leaf springs.. but I only have either to hard, or to soft leaf steel strips to make the springs.. so I decided against it for now...
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