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About simalarion

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  1. We took Agrios out for a spin, i believe BBX would also be great today as its just a little snow on the ground: EDIT: It looks like the back tire do not point in the correct direction i see on the pics, but there where no issues and its both swinging how it suppose to and there are no damage or loose screws hmm, it is action pics though but as usual i can not get them very good (my daughter is driving here).
  2. This hit me right in the ChristmasSpirit 10 GBP your way!, hope you get well soon enough to enjoy the build right away. Hoping it will ba a Tamico Avante Earth Force in the end ;). Whish you a Fast Recovery! @Carmine A FYI -I have been absent from this forum recently as i never got my kids interested in this hobby so i needed to put it on ice for a period now and do other stuff with them, but i will come back on the forum when kids can manage more on their own (which will not be very long as the smallest one started school this year).
  3. Ouch, thats why i always look for places without cobblestones & poles of different sorts, they seems to have that magnetic effect on my RC Cars ... Having a hard time still finding a good free tarmac space (that do not have to much of the mentioned nemesis)d not to far away for my street-cars in Oslo. The BBX works very well on the other hand for the terrain i have close.
  4. So, just me that really enjoy the process off making them then
  5. This seems like quite a rare kit to me, so just wanted to inform in case any collector in here want this: https://www.samirc.no/products/tamiya-58356-ferrari-f40-2005-58356 quite Pricy though - 6 500 Nok = 462 GBP (not shipping included).
  6. Hmm Røa (torg) is quite close to where i live, but Husby is closer to Hovseter but still close. I know there is a Huge parking lot there as you describe as our kids had health checks there when they where born. But t was always so crowded in the period i was there so never actually thought about for that reason (Also NAV office & kindergarden there). But Maybe after 17 and during SummerVacation!, i will check it out, thanks!
  7. Im terrible regarding Gears, Teeth department but i have SuperStock TZ and i see it is described as “excellent torque” also i believe i have 20T, so the top speed is probably not as great as i thought first but the time it takes to get there i believe is But yes as all kids is in school age from Aug i will get more time for my hobby. I will start to look a bit outside Oslo where its not to crowded. Edit: I did however forget to mentioned that the motor was a bit to hot, just after driving a quite easy going test run
  8. Indeed :), believe you have 239 wheel base there, the spinning got worse on 225 wheelbase when adding to much throttle to fast, then again you are for sure a much much better driver than me
  9. Hehe it is a Epic big one on Bogstad Camping Gas Station (if you can call them that anymore), my Kids can’t finish it so always a Bonus for me. Can hardly imagine you can get more softice in a waffle cone…. The M08-R Is very fast, so much that i think it will be hard to control in the post Race, feels a bit like F1 sim on Pc, a bit to much throttle and its spinns around (so a 210 wheelbase will not work at all )
  10. First run with 225 body on M-08R, with superstock its fast, i never did full throttle. I badly need to find a good tarmac spot for it, even small gravel in road cause some problem
  11. Wet Grass as always this Summer in Norway (sight), so not up for more than one RC Car filled with sticky wet Grass so only brought the C-Avante out with the kids today. They made a small course with cones: Edit: Lots of Fun after putting in Super-Stock motor. It handles it quite well i think
  12. "To infinity, and beyond!" Did you ride it with a Buzz suit?.
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