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About DDA1972

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  1. Hi Problemchild, Yep; I meant the bevel pinion gear thats skipping over the ring gear. I allready ordered the parts to fix that.
  2. I have the clicking too. It's almost for sure the reardiff. I have parts ordered to fix that issue.
  3. Update: car goes like badword with a 19t pinion, a 4000 mah 2S Zippy lipo and the E-Rocket wheels. I clocked 50 km/hr. Very pleased with the car. Savox servo is a good choise; way better than the cheap Carson in my son's Neo Fighter. Still waiting for the metal parts for the rear diff...
  4. Thanks! That part is essential, or nice to have?
  5. Question: to upgrade the diff I just need part 9400152; is that correct?
  6. Thanks all. Because I'll probably use from the start the E-Rocket wheels with a slightly larger diameter, I'll try first the stock 17T pinion. From there, I'll try 18T or 19T. I don't think the 20T is a good idea. Forgot to mention: I'll allready have the Tamiya metal motor mount. Do you have some links or partnumbers for the better rear diff? I think I read somewhere the DF-02 needs some modding to fit? Today I was with my wife and kids at this very special place: https://www.google.nl/maps/@51.9226461,3.9892903,3a,75y,258.31h,82.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sbC9TS_7rDKdafa7fB_RroA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 We took the RC cars and had a blast in the dunes and on the parkinglots. Can't wait to finish the TT-02B. Only problem is that I still don't have the ballbearings; I found them on Ebay, but they seem stuck between Japan and the Netherlands. Penny-wise, Pound-foolish in hindsight I guess...
  7. Hi, I started in the 80's with a Hornet, bought 15 years ago a TLT-1 RockBuster (that I still have) and my son (11) recently got a Neo Fighter. The Rockbuster is still fine, but a little bit too special to bash around, so I bought a TT-02B Plasma Edge II. I have the ballbearings ordered and a brushless combo from Hobbywing (3300 kv) available. I'm still looking for some decent street tires/wheels and found the Louise E-ROCKET. They look nice and they have an outside diameter of 85 mm. The OEM-tires are without the spikes about 78 mm. That would mean that I have a little bit more ground clearance. But what is a good pinion? I have a 20T available, but I think that would be a little bit too fast. And are there other things I should look for when choosing a pinion? Like alu of metal and size of the teeth? Any advice about other upgrades? Thanks for the replies!
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