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About phantomRC

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  • Birthday 10/18/1979

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  1. Well one good thing about the pandemic lockdowns is that I rediscovered my love for RCs. During the first lockdown I had lots of time on my hands so I took out my old radio shack road phantom for a spin. It drove well but it was in a fragile state... So that's when memories of clodbusters and blackfoots came back. One year and three lockdowns later, I have a collection of 8 Tamiyas!
  2. That sounds like a good plan. I also think 9.6V would be too much to handle. BTW, shapeways has the entire front bumper available.
  3. That looks like a good solution. I noticed that with a small 2s lipo and gutted old electronics it's a little too lightweight making it bouncy.
  4. I wired up the motors but I'm still waiting for a pinion remover.
  5. Just got three new motors to test! Stock motor at top followed by 65T, 120T, and 85T
  6. Thanks! I still need to test it and make sure nothing rubs but as is everything just barely clears.
  7. Replaced the stock wheels and tires on my landfreeder with 1.9 inch rubber for better off-roading.
  8. I received the shocks but decided to keep the buggy stock and probably baby it from now on. I ran it with a lipo to test the new suspension components and it ran very well. However, the motors got pretty hot so I'm worried something electrical could fail eventually. I still remember when I first got it as a kid and how impressed I was and I still am!
  9. Finally finished my 2016 Blackfoot. Sport tuned motor, MIP diff, mix of stock and MCI decals, front magnet mount. Very pleased!
  10. The panel lines add a lot to the body. How did you make them? I'd like to do the same to my tt01e mercedes.
  11. I've ordered one of each. Which pinion remover do you use?
  12. Your original motor is holding up well. I'm about to order some replacements for mine.
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