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Everything posted by Perkigar

  1. If you want monster truck handling I can highly recommend ukmonsters' 4 link and axle steering kits, they are great value for the money and fit with the kit steel braces. I found them on ebay. I use FTX Kanyon shocks and springs in a few of my builds and none have leaked yet, they are very good value for money too. Good luck with your build!
  2. Hi Whahooo it's a cheap ebay but works really well https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Imitate-Engine-Sound-Simulator-w-Double-Speaker-for-1-10-RC-Car-Accessories/154072821785?hash=item23df74b019:g:SMcAAOSwSIBfK7W3 It's chinese but the seller is uk based so it only took a week to arrive
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