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About frazd

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  • Birthday 03/05/1972

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  • Interests
    Tamiya RC Cars/Tanks

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  1. Hi, I'm also looking for a Sand Rover shell and a rear Wire Bumper, Vintage ..Thank you.
  2. I'm looking for vintage Rough Rider / FAV front tyres.. SAND BLASTER JR type and old MK1 front axle mounts/ shock mounts with the screw holes. Thank you for any help.
  3. smokyblaq .. Location is.. I am a scammer . this is one who contacted me. Check it out..
  4. Watch for scammers trying their luck , i'm sure i have been contacted a few times now from people saying they have the parts i need or passing me on to a name and email who has , I don't trust buying on here now. and it's normally from someone who has only just joined. Take care.
  5. Ok, Thank you. Regards Fraser
  6. Hi, Someone told me on here that you had Subaru Brat parts for sale .. Did they try to scam me under your name or have i contacted you about the parts by Email? It's just not worth taking the risk on buying with scammers on here now. Boatingislife83 messaged me? Fraser... Frazd
  7. Hi, Someone told me on here that you had Subaru Brat parts for sale .. Did they try to scam me under your name or have i contacted you about the parts by Email? It's just not worth taking the risk on buying with scammers on here now. Fraser... Frazd
  8. Wanted original Shortie Subaru Brat front bumper. i'm in the UK. Also still need a clear window set for the Brat. + any original Stickers/Decals.
  9. Hi, I'm looking for a vintage Subaru Brat clear front windscreen with the T -Tops , all one piece + Rear window clear.. Also used on the Mud Blaster.. Also looking for vintage decal stripes, BRAT side decals and roof decals.. Gold and Black type. Thank you for any help.
  10. Hi, I'm looking for vintage Tamiya Subaru Brat decals/stickers .. just the stripes would be a big help and ones up the side with BRAT on + ones that go over the roof.. gold and black type. Thank you for any help.
  11. Nice, I have never seen that one before, probably because none of my mates had one back in the day. Nice display 👍
  12. Cool 👍 i have always liked the look of the Wild Willy, i know the Pajero but not the Willy's Wheeler, i will have to look that up and see.
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