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About Jpmdly

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  1. Recently converted my WT-01N into 4WD. My biggest issue is tire wobble on the front. Replaced all bearings and tire mounts. What else can I do to fix this?
  2. Thanks Mad Ax! So far you have summed everything about Tamiya and crawlers - there really is no decent one! Currently leaning towards an Axial (scx24 for starters)
  3. What is the best chasis for a crawler? And what set-up should i have (motor, esc, battery etc) Feel free to share your thoughts.
  4. So, i have decided to upgrade to a 10.5T Tamiya BLM for my WT-01. What should I consider for choosing the correct battery? I am using a TBLE-02S ESC. Suggestions are most welcome. Thanks
  5. Hi, may i know where you bought the aluminum shock towers? Btw, very nice build.
  6. Thanks, Busdriver! How about the dampers? Which size/length is compatible?
  7. What bearings are compatible for the WT-01? Can’t seem to find it on the tamiya matching list.
  8. Hi guys, about to purchase the Amarok WT-01N. What are the suggested upgrades i need? It will be my first time building an off-road rc. Thanks!
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