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About BruiseWayn

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  • Birthday 12/05/1981

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  1. Quite right. What racing pedigree lol Their aluminum conversion kits are way too expensive and most of the parts are totally unnecessary for racing. If anything it makes the cars more prone to damage. Sticking Hara's name on the kit allows them to price the kits even more. Also i wouldnt use half of the aluminum parts included in the kit. The TT-02 isn't really complete without the SRX suspension parts... personal opinion!
  2. Ask, and you shall receive. https://www.rcmart.com/slidelogy-aluminum-turnbuckle-m3-x-28mm-2pcs-sdy-0280p-00121072?search=turnbuckle&page=6 They also make have other colors in a range of lengths. 20mm version, and 40mm i think? Search under Slidelogy. Just not sure if it would match the purple from factory. Also u might be keen to take a look @ this. Coz i read yr TT02 thread. Its a Hara endorsed product lol https://www.yeahracing.com/blog/magenta-aluminum-conversion-kit https://www.rcmart.com/yeah-racing-magenta-aluminum-conversion-kit-for-tamiya-tt02-purple-mgt-0001-00131947?sort=p.price&order=DESC Not sure why but most of your pictures are not loading for me. I might get some when i am ready to dive back into my FT1 (not S) build. I just went back to look @ my build thread (easier than lugging out the physical thing in the storeroom; gf is asleep and she will be mightly *******ed @ the noise lol) and my car has the stock black ones, though i wonder why i didnt think of purple ones when i was building it. Also not sure if purple turnbuckles would be overdoing it with too much purple. Maybe titanium ones? But equally cool either way! Boils down to personal preference.
  3. Why is he hopping around? You know you could get a set of purple aluminun turnbuckles... Yes my build... just the anti roll bars left and then some. new wheels/tires and a Civic body. I need to pull it out of storage but to get to it... i need to drag out alot of stuff lol
  4. u know i am not saying anything... but Hara was with HPI and they folded... just kidding... u know i got an Xpress FT1S build thread with custom purple anodized parts that i got floating around here which i nvr got to finish... I know I know.... i should....
  5. Neither can i. i have been waiting a loooooooooooong time. Hurry up and don't keep us waiting!
  6. i remember a time when i was still a teen without a driving license and we had a poverty spec legacy (FF, 1.8L) that came in that was due for scrap. it was silver with stock wheels (dish looking). it had a bad auto box that just wont go into 4th and changed gears harshly. i took it out for a spin around the neighbourhood afew times. loved the boxer burble. some years back i had a spin in an RS. only 250hp according to my friend, who owned it @ that time. u dun need alot of power to have fun.
  7. HPI came first. With the 1st RS4 Pro in 1998. 2 belt tranny. It was super cool back in the day. They were not the first though, as the Kyosho TF2 already had a 2 belt tranny and i saw it as early as 1997... I am sure there were others also
  8. looks brilliant. i am excited to see this one take shape
  9. Anyway nice kit! I bought a RTR kit with the Impreza body some months back from Japan. Brand new and unrun, but the body and chassis has been on display and the decals r all ruined. Out of the Tamiya factory, it was painted with a blue not as deep as yours. They even painted over the windows *sigh* and used black stickers for the windscreen and windows. Factory finished but doesn't look as nice as yours.
  10. i was looking at yr post from my office pc. but some threads have pics so its kindda strange. but yes, the pics load up perfectly from my phone. maybe IT doesn't like Subarus or TL01s....
  11. Dude don't think your pics are loading...
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