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About NZJohn

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  1. Thanks all. I’ve decided to try WD40 overnight and then I’ll dry them tomorrow and see how they spin. It’s not so much about saving the money as not wasting 3 month old bearings. Just seems wasteful. That’s said driving on a dirt track - these cars and the bearings take a hammering. I’m now going to keep one for the dirt and one for carpet.
  2. Hi all, I’ve just dismantled my TT02B after a run on a dirt track. The car is filthy. I assume soap and water and dry the plastic parts. But the bearings? I wouldn’t think soap and water for them. WD40?
  3. Hey mate, Just to update here I ended up finishing the car in box art. A massive lesson learnt was in painting the orange colour on the inside of the wing. You really just need to take your time - open it up carefully with your fingers and then lightly spray a dozen or so coats. I spent ages sanding the body too. Just to get it perfect. Then I conditioned the tyres. And job done!
  4. All good. I actually just got (and built) a rere Top Force Evo. I wonder, how many of the parts I could cannibalise off it to make a genuinely special Terra Conqueror?
  5. Mate, just did a search on TradeMe. Got nothing. Have you got a link?
  6. Thanks mate. Appreciate the tips. I’m just really taking my sweet time. Finally finished the masking and painting. The fluorescent orange took around 12 light coats to get inside the wing properly. I’m pleased with the end result. With do the stickers next. Then on to the main event the build itself
  7. Yeah. That’s the step I’m up to now. Not having the overspray film certainly add hours to the painting!
  8. Hey team, It full Covid lockdown week 4 here in Auckland, New Zealand, so I’m breaking out the big guns. I’m building a NIB Terra Conqueror I’ve been keeping, waiting for the right moment. I’m going to start with cutting out the body, as in the past this is where I’ve come unstuck. Its so hard to get a nicely cut line. And I’ve got a severe case of OCD. I’ll update this thread as I go… PS. Any tips with how I need to treat the build, with it being so old? I’ve already discovered the body and wing don’t have protective film. That’s new
  9. I think if you want to go off road you’ll need to go for a TT02-b. The off road version of this chassis. Plasma Edge. They can be picked up pretty cheaply. But start with your local hobby shop. Support local. And with luck, like I found, you’ll get great advice and great pricing. And get ball bearings 😜
  10. That was a first class fail. Just finished building a TFE. Looks absolutely perfect. But I’ve managed to completely mangle the undertray. What a idiot. I tried my usual score with a scalpel and snap method. But I think the poly on the tray is a lot thicker - it must be. After carefully scoring like I normally do I bent it. It didn’t really snap like other bodies do. I tore it anyway and tore it past the score line. Ruined. Off to find a new one.
  11. We pretty lucky in NZ to not have a lock down. This looks like so much fun. We’ll give the postal racing round a go. But my lord we have this grass here by the sea in our backyard. It’s called Kikuyu. And it forms a 1-2 inch sponge, thick and bouncy as badword ans it catches and grabs at the car. It’s murder on lap times. Last weekend a Hornet was wheel spinning going no where! Either way it’ll be fun!
  12. That’s good to know. I think Matt (my son) would be right into that. He can run the Hornet or Frog. I’ll take the TFE for a bit of retro fun in all comers. I’m not even remotely close to being good. But I love the build and the fun of racing too. So can’t wait…
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