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About GeeWings

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  • Birthday 09/08/1973

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  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia

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  1. Fellow TC'ers, I'm reluctantly selling more of my Tamiya collection. Life is still crazy (my wife's health and insanity at work) and I just don't have time and need the cash. I'm selling most on eBay/Facebook but as this set is a bit above the norm I thought I would post here first. So, a few years back I picked-up a pre-built, lightly run Tamiya Hotshot ReRe. I then set about rebuilding it and upgrading as I did so which included the amazing MIP diff set, metal bearings, pinion and original Tamiya independent shock kit. I also fitted a Hobbywing Brushless motor and ESC. So, the kit comes nearly fully built and with everything needed to finish it off. It's been moved around the house a lot over the last few years but I'm 99% sure everything needed is there. At most there will be a missing screw or two. Incomplete decal sheet is included and it comes with two full sets of wheels (4 black dyed, 4 gold). I'm looking for around $500 AUD/ $320US/ 250 UK. But if my price is silly please feel free to call me out and make an offer! I really do need to move this on. I'm based in Melbourne and would prefer to ship within Australia but happy to send internationally if there is interest.
  2. @chaman what a great build! Love it.
  3. Ditto to all of that. My older brother gave me his customised Boomerang when he left home. It was stored in my parents' loft for years but then found out my sister dumped it :( Anyway, one day I might buy a new kit but it just won't be the same. Yours looks excellent and I'm a big fan of that rear wing position.
  4. I just don't have the time to dedicate to the number of projects I have on the go so I'm really thinning my collection. As a result, I'm begrudgingly selling my not-completed Tamiya Honda City Turbo. The chassis is fully built. I added metal bearings all round, rear CVDs and fitted a Savox Servo, Hobbywing 1060 ESC and Sport Tuned Motor. I will also include 3D printed grill inserts and wing mirrors from Shapeways. These will really finish it off nicely. I don't have the box as it was up in the attic and got soaked I'm looking for around $650 AUD but will consider sensible offers. Please note I'm based in Australia. I'm happy to ship internationally at your cost. Someone please buy it so I don't have to deal with eBay! I do also have this listed on a couple of Facebook groups.
  5. I'm glad you got on top of it quickly @mtbkym01. My wife had a pretty complicated Cancer battle for the last 18 months but she's through it now. I wouldn't wish what she has been through on anyone.
  6. Belated Happy Birthday, hope you had a great one!
  7. Thanks! This particular build did go a bit over the top and we (me with the guidance of my kids) just kept adding stuff. In fact after this pic we actually added more Kumamon decals:
  8. Great. They seem nicely put made, run very smoothly and the piston options are welcome.
  9. I love the GF-01 platform. It's great fun and pretty versatile. I have too many but it's such a good base for custom builds. Most of mine have Torque Tuned or Sport Tuned motors and I run LiPO. I have one half finished that has a brushless motor but I actually think it will be too much for the chassis and it will never stop flipping.
  10. All good. I’m sure you will put them to good use.
  11. @toyolienI would love these if they are still available? I’m based in Oz though, so is you can’t be bothered with the faff I totally understand! obviously I’m happy to cover postage and packaging cost though.
  12. I use Flickr. It’s free and easy to use. The only real limitation is that with a free account you can only have 1,000 images!
  13. Yes, love these. I don’t think I’ve watched videos that make me want to get out there more!
  14. Absolutely beautiful @Ferruz great choice with the livery and so well executed.
  15. Great work, Very cool. that’s just amazing! 🤩
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