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About vintagebackyardrc

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  1. [media] Out 100th video! Special intro on this one.
  2. My Tamy kits are starting to give me the evil eye...lol. This is a great buggy. [media]
  3. Wanted to get this one in before winter. Awesome kit! [media]
  4. Got our Falcon done! [media]
  5. Can the "Hot Rod" 10 make it's way to the top? [MEDIA]
  6. Got the Van out for a time attack lap! [media]
  7. One of the all time greats. Love getting the opportunity to take a gold pan out for a spin. Hope you all enjoy this one. [media]
  8. Just wrapped up a shootout video between the Losi Jrx2 (5-link) and the Jrx2 Proformance kit (H-arm). So very blessed to have two of these cars in runner condition. Hope you all enjoy the video and thanks for watching. [media]
  9. Thought you guys would find this interesting. I was super shocked with what they were allowed to copy. [media]
  10. I have had little time for RC unfortunately this year...but did manage to run a few cars. I am absolutely in love with this buggy. It does everything right. Need some oil tweaks and it's good to go . Hope you guys like seeing it make a few laps. [media]
  11. Same...I don't like beating up on them either. Parts are already on the way. Was worth it :-) Glad you enjoyed the video and thanks!
  12. Thanks so much! The kid and I really enjoy doing these. Finding new ways to stand out among other incredible RC channels has been interesting to say the least. It was a slightly hard decision to run these cars. We broke C parts and F parts (and put some scratches on bits) but I am glad I got to actually enjoy them again as I did when I was young. In hindsight I would have not built so many large jumps...but now we are fairly committed because of the Top Gear style time attack deal. All good fun and I appreciate the positive feedback guys. Thanks again.
  13. Great to be back on the track filming old R/C cars. I really hope you guys like this one (took a bit to get finished). Two incredible cars that had been sitting as a display for too long. [media]
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