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Everything posted by Robbo29

  1. The car chassis has been fully built, just the body left to spray etc. It has the upgraded Tamiya ball diff nut done on the rear diff, and also has some front universal shafts, although these are not Tamiya. It currently has full electrics in it. I also have a cut but not sprayed revive rc mk1 td4 body and an uncut matching revive wing. Unsure on price right this second as I’m out, but that is the state of the car as is. Thanks
  2. Hi, are you still looking for one of these? I have one I may let go as it’s unfinished build…
  3. This any good? not my listing….. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/355826551373?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ZuRXjwMwSdy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Q7AbqNnFRy-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Hi I’m looking for a servo mount and any upgrade parts. Thanks
  5. Hi all Looking for a used body set, and any dt02 parts. I am in the UK. Thanks
  6. How much for the blitzer beetle?
  7. Hi I have this one for sale new in box, no electrics included. £100 or best offer Any questions please ask!
  8. Hi I’m looking for either a full car or body shells if anyone has anything? Thanks
  9. Hi all Looking for any spares for the dt chassis and also a transmitter, flysky or absima. PM me anything you may have. Thanks
  10. Hi all I need a few parts if anyone has the below; 46mm screw pin x 2 3 x 12 countersunk self tapper x 2 3 x 18 self tapper x 4 5mm ball connector x 2 also a front shock tower, a rear hub, gearbox case, and a chassis. If you have any of these bits please message me. Thanks!
  11. I have a spares/repairs dark impact with a slipper in. pm me if interested 👍
  12. I have a used slipper in a dark impact, looking to offload the car which is in a spares or repair kind of state. Where are you based? Im in the uk 👍
  13. Thank GTodd but I’m based in the UK 👍
  14. Hi all Looking for spares for this chassis, let me know if you have anything to sell. Thanks
  15. Thanks for replying, I was leaning more that way, picked up a used set and a couple of the wheels are a little yellowed and was wondering how to bring them back to white or grey 👍
  16. Hi all Can’t quite find a definitive answer to wether the wheels should be white or grey? Also, can these types of plastic wheels be dyed? Thanks
  17. That’s not too bad, I missed out on one a few weeks ago for £180 as had cash flow issues 😂 I’ll keep an eye out for the next batch of bits I’m in no rush 👍
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