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Everything posted by DuntmatterReally

  1. @Honza Yes, I used the same bearing each time. OK, I'll try again with the inner bearing. When you say it doesn't look like it was fitted properly, do you mean it hadn't been pushed far enough into the knuckle?
  2. Hi @CakeOrDeath I'd love to hear your experience of installing the GPM CVDs. I'm having trouble with them. Would mind having a look at my post here..
  3. I've worked out that the problem is not with the GPM knuckles themselves. If I use the dogbone and axle included with the kit they fit perfectly into the GPM knuckle. The CVD shaft seems to be a match for the kit axle: http://www.tcphotos.net/image/RhoRa I don't want to let this defeat me! Has anyone got experience of using the GPM CVDs?
  4. They're GPM CVDs, (XV1238RST) so it's odd they don't seem to work with the GPM knuckles.
  5. Thanks svenb, Could you please explain a bit more?
  6. Hi all, I was hoping to replace the standard rear knuckles on my XV-01, but am stumped! Any advice you can give would be much appreciated. The standard knuckles take two bearings and a plastic spacer, so the axle pokes out just enough for the pin that holds the wheel hub to be inserted into the hole. This is how it looks: http://www.tcphotos.net/image/Ru3Om The GPM XV022 knuckles that arrived in the post yesterday don't seem to work that way. If I try to use both bearings the axle won't go far enough through the knuckle, like this: http://www.tcphotos.net/image/RuBJO If I only use the outside bearing the axle goes too far, like this: http://www.tcphotos.net/image/RuFV3 The plastic spacer from the stock knuckles doesn't do anything in the new ones. Am I missing something really obvious? Cheers, Mark
  7. This build is inspirational! Great work, @OCD
  8. Hi everyone, I'm new to RC, and a new member here. I've recently bought an XV-01 kit with the Integrale body. I'm thinking I'll stray from the box art, and maybe paint it Champagne Gold. I've been steadily researching ideas, and would love to develop the skills to end up with some really nice looking bodies. I can see already that I'm going to end up with quite a few! Anyway, please inspire my first build with what you have done with your Lancia Deltas! Cheers Dunt
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