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About ADRay1000

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    Berwick, Maine, USA

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  1. totally. In the 37+/- years I’ve been off an on with this hobby, I only had one flesh and blood friend that was into it too, and that was my next door neighbor buddy as a kid. The forum is a great place to be able to talk to like minded people, ask questions and answer them. Keeps me more engaged than just owning / maintaining / driving.
  2. looking through old photos, and found this. my kitchen when I was a photo student, circa 1999. shot while playing with a 4x5 large format film camera. Featuring my M01 RMCMC (Two Tone Ska Records livery) with display body, and runner body hanging on the wall. Also an OG Lunchbox body. Complete with Marilyn Monroe poster, empty Caffreys can, and gravity bong bucket.
  3. I use the green stuff to repair the Frog front uprights (if you know, you know 😉)
  4. Who remembers or has any of the large postcards they used to include in the touring car kits back in the late 90s? The last shred of evidence that I owned an OG Rover Mini Cooper Monte Carlo. I think I cut it down so it would fit in a frame or something. Also I remember having one from a TA03 Audi and a M02 VW beetle, presumably went when the kits were sold off on eBay.
  5. as an old school former M chassis owner that completely missed the M05, I’m fine with starting fresh with an MB01. I’d say rebodying (I just made up a word) an M05 would make sense if you’re already have one and want to stick with driving / maintaining / buying parts one design.
  6. now that I see the car your’re starting with, my inclination would be to leave what you have alone and shelve it. That thing is funky! digging all the homebrew mods.
  7. that didn’t take long
  8. … what do you hope they’ll bring back? I’m happy enough that they’re bringing back the Rover Mini Cooper Racing body. but what about bringing back the TG10 1/8 Mini? Or even better, an electric version
  9. Not identical. the wheel arches on the RMCR are larger to accommodate the 60 size M chassis tires. and the parts of the lexan body that house the chrome bits and side mirrors on the RMCMC are flat and have divots to cut holes to mount them. I think that’s it.
  10. definitely my Lunchbox and Minis I had late 80s / late 90s. like most things, the memory is that I would spend all day driving my LB when I was 10. as for the current collection, probably the CC02, only because it’s been so reliable and fun to take on short hikes. It has never given me an ounce of trouble. my Frog (2005) gets run less, but it’s a different thing. I’ve lost the front upright pins on both sides more than once. easy fix but takes a day. my Monster Beetle (2015) has spent the most time on the bench.
  11. I know. I was seriously eyeballing the eBay offerings and thinking I should bite the bullet before they get even more expensive. relieved I don’t have to now
  12. I’d love an M03 again. What a vast improvement over the M01. I never had a newer M Chassis than an M03, but I don’t expect that the MB01 would be radically different performance wise. I don’t see them reissuing the old chassis. Pertaining to touring cars, Tamiya usually recycles the bodies and make new chassis designs. personally, I don’t really care what the chassis is as long as it has a RMCR body on it.
  13. yeah, those M01 mini bumpers last about 10 seconds
  14. DT04 looks kinda cool - except the cartoon driver figure.
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