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  1. rotate the heatsink until the fan is out of the magnetic field. This has happend to me to with a simpel torque tuned motor. just rotated the heat sink and the fan turns fine.
  2. indeed they don't snap on. There will be some play.
  3. There is nothing which keeps the joint in place. If you remove the central shaft , the joint wil come out. If you put the o ring in, the joint wil be pushed forward en kept in place. (there wil always be some play).
  4. did you install the little o-ring in one of the cups?
  5. does anyone know if f103 or f104 tyres will fitt this car ?
  6. The TT01 and TT02 are by far the worst on road chassis tamiya made . All the plastic in plastic joints, all the slop. The TA03 would have been a much beter car (except maybe for the belt for parking lot bashing.) But.... Since the Tt came out i have been racing it at club races and Tamiya cup races. And i love the chassis. I have bought TRF420, Xray T3 and T4, mugen MTC2 and every time i went back to the TT02. I love working on it. It only needs a few hop ups to make it a bit beter. And it will never be as good as a TRF (and friends) But the fun i have with the TT is priceless. I love realistic bodys. I love the simplicity and the low cost of the parts. No stress during racing of breaking something and go bankrupt. So for me it is TT al the way
  7. On tamiya bodys where the wheel arches are well marked i use a acto knife. On other touring car blob bodys, i mark the wheel axle and use this (i have no idea how this is called in english). No need for cutting with siccors or sanding.
  8. Some maintenance after another day at the track:
  9. And the second Audi is also ready (actualy the third Audi. I have an Audi quattro )
  10. I have a lot of cars/bodys waiting to be made, but this audi came in last week and i just had to make it.
  11. now that tamiya has a new Fwd chassis, i hope they wil put some old bodys on it. I would love a peugeot 306 maxi, honda accord PIAA and a nissan primera calsonic. And if tamiya would bring out the TA03F and FF01, that would be great.
  12. On some of the older trf cars indeed. But if i am correct these balls are smaller then the normal 5mm balls. These arms are used on several modells and on some the stabilizers are mounted on normal 5 mm ball mounts
  13. These are arms of some older TRF cars (417, 418?) And on those cars these are attachment point for swaybars.
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