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Wayne Campbell

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About Wayne Campbell

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  1. Nice one, but I need a cockpit for a project, not the car.
  2. I am looking for a K.I.T.T. cockpit from the 80ies series Knight Rider. Scale 1:10. I’d even be happy with a whole model car kit. But all I can find are die-cast models, much smaller scales, or RCs without cockpit… Seems impossible to find. Can someone in here point me in the right direction?
  3. Can someone please recommend a good body filler? I have some cars lined up that need modelling. I am looking for a smooth body filler that doesn’t dry in just minutes, but allows proper modelling. Of course, sanding must be possible and it should accept primer.
  4. Hi guys, I am building a Bigwig shelf queen, and would like to replace all yellow and blue parts with either carbon, alloy, or at least black plastic. That would be the cockpit cage, the damper towers, the uprights, and the exhausts. Does anyone have a tip where I could find such parts?
  5. Sorry to hear! And thank you for letting us know.
  6. I ordered some. let’s see how it goes. Thank you very much!
  7. I am am building a Blackfoot shelf queen and am looking for a set of either chrome, or blue, or colorless aluminium shocks for it. They don’t have to perform well, given I am not driving the car. They seem hard to find. I am struggling. Either wrong scale, wrong dimensions, wrong color, or they don’t ship here. I live in the Philippines. Do you guys know a supplier?
  8. Found it! Wow, that’s well hidden. Thank you very much!
  9. I paid the 15 bucks annual subscription fee, received the payment confirmation, but when I click on “get your own showroom” I just get routed to the payment site again. What am i doing wrong?
  10. Has anyone experience with spray painting a blackfoot frame? I have this idea of building a blackfoot 60ies style. I got chrome rims, will probably paint it with 2 different shades of blue, and then spray paint the frame in chrome. Has anyone here done this before? Inputs very much appreciated!
  11. that sounds like a lot of extra steps necessary. thank you! appreciate your inputs.
  12. That car looks awesome as well as fast, and I’d love to hear some first hand experience before potentially buying. What motors and batteries are speed-addicted owners running with it? And what is your experience with the battery compartment sitting underneath the front shocks? How fiddly is it to change batteries, how long does it take, and doesn’t this approach affect the stability of the suspension over time?
  13. that should work. bit unorthodox, but anyway. thanks! i’ll grind it down.
  14. thank you! it’s not too late. still waiting for the diff to arrive.
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