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Pizza Frog

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  1. Hotshot II (the black version) If I was looking for another 4wd then I'd be pouncing on this, the only reason why I'm holding back is because the Bigwig is also going to be available soon.
  2. Yes, it's time for the old bird to take flight again
  3. Maybe a problem with the dishwashing soap? Maybe it had oil in it or something? Otherwise a very old or defective can of paint.
  4. I like how Tamiya re-did the artwork for these 2 instead of using a sticker;
  5. I wanted to see what alloy wheel covers would look like on the banana-frog (as I like to call it) I've also been struggling to resist buying a Hotshot 2 and/or a black edition Monster Beetle. It's tough.
  6. The Boomerang, it just screams "buy me!"
  7. Hopefully I'll be buying a re-re Falcon
  8. I've spent over a year building a Boomerang. I have a note that says I still need to put on 6 stickers, and then it will be finished. But I loathe putting on stickers so have been procrastinating. generally though, I usually build a car in a week and the paintjob takes a few weeks and the stickers take about a week.
  9. This sticky stinky sand, it took an hour to clean it off, it also made screws rusty even though it was only in the sand for 30 minutes and I thought I had cleaned it enough, it then required a 2nd longer clean and new screws, the smell eventually went away thankfully.
  10. If I had a Thunder Dragon my first choice would be to spray the entire window PS-black, it's a lazy choice but it looks good on that car. I might even be tempted to try clear-yellow. But if I was to paint the chassis cover I'd lightly sand the top and spray light coats of PS-black on the top so the black would be matt, and then brush on everything else with acrylic paint on top of the black.
  11. I've slowly been putting stickers on the Manta Ray. They are a mix of MCI and Tamiya stickers;
  12. The green frog has new front wheels and I adjusted the toe in, The white frog has new wheel covers, a repainted body and mci stickers;
  13. This is where the Manta Ray build is at, I still need to put the ESC and reciever in and put on some MCI decals.
  14. I almost finished painting the Manta Ray today (this was the 3rd day) Luckily I don't have a swear jar... I got a lot of paint spots (it was a spluttering can) in the clear blue paint on the window canopy and it also became too dark. Half way through I decided to back the clear blue with white to lighten it , and I ran out of paint, I only needed a few more sprays and it would have been finished. The weird thing is that it actually turned out amazing, the blue ended up being the perfect shade of blue that I had been looking for the previous day and I just need to wait for a new can of white to arrive and the rest should be easy.
  15. I also have fine threaded screws on the braces on one of my frogs, flange nuts on the other side make it easy.
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