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About skom25

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  1. @BuggyDad I am fully fine, thank you! I think that my point of view for many Tamiya related topics is way different than other Forum users. I respect that it is Tamiya RC Forum, not general RC Forum and just want to avoid another controversies. I was not aware that when account will be removed, all content also will be. I also finally found settings to Turn Off notifications. Shortly speaking: if anything I posted is useful, I can keep account. It does not hurt me. However, I will leave Forum at least for some time.
  2. Hi, What is the procedure to delete account on Forum? I used Contact Form and sent mail to admin@tamiyaclub.com No response in both cases.
  3. Disable it. When NiMh pack will be empty, you will see that car does not have power and even stops to run.
  4. Why? There are things you like and things you do not like. It is opinion. If someone will be offended because of that, it means that this person in not "RC fan" but "Fanboy". I like Tamiya, I will run my cars for years. Does it mean that I love everything related to Tamiya? No. There are many things which I hate. I have Orbea bike. I really like it, but there are at least two things which are totally crappy. Does it mean that I am hater? No.
  5. I am new to RC, but looking at Tamiya offer from 2000 to around 2015, I see a lot of cars on different levels. It was great.
  6. Finished TT-02. I decided to install new ESC and solder wires directly to motor. I also changed shock shafts to Titanium Coated TRF. Because wires are springs blue/ yellow/ red, I added small yellow stripes on bottom of body to match everything. Red stripes were there already before. It smells bit 90's but I like it.
  7. https://tameson.com/pages/loctite-color-comparison
  8. Tamiya gel is awful and does not work. Buy Blue Loctite. I do not remember number. It is middle strength. Remember to clean parts from grease and oil before you use it.
  9. In my opinion, if available, DT-02 Sand Viper is best kit you can get in that price range. DT-03 is also great. Have you bought bearings? I do no remember how it was when I built my DT-03, but 6-7 mm sounds like bit low. Share photos, maybe you did something wrong.
  10. Because they are mainly interested in almost "toys" and Re Releases. They can, but it seems that they can make more money on other cars.
  11. Nail and piece of plastic to not scratch parts. Hold one side with nail and just push opposite with plastic. Strange but works. They are not so tight as 2 mm.
  12. I asked about this few times and as far as I know: 1. It will work the best on high grip surface 2. It causes understeer, because wheels rotate with the same speed 3. It will wear drivetrain elements faster than diff Maybe try thick oil/ AW Grease/ Diff Putty in your Diff?
  13. More or less both. I need to decide how to build shocks and I started to think, that maybe it is good moment to think about making car bit lower. However, if there is no simple answer like "lower is always better", I will not make any changes and stick to current setup.
  14. I totally agree and I do not have problem with DT-04 itself. My point is that they discontinued TD2/4 and did not prepare anything new. It means that there is not even one, new Buggy with lexan body and "standard" design.
  15. Ok, I thought that on smooth surface, lower is always better.
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