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About Jonesy924

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  1. Looking good so far, all I have left to do is lacquer the body, paint the driver and fit the Spot lights 👌
  2. @ThunderDragonCy how did you do the decals for the end plates of the spoiler? Only that decals to go on but I'm dreading it in case I messaged it up 😂
  3. You could mask it off and paint it black? Wish I did, my one is starting to look old and rusty due to me using it primarily on the beaches 😐
  4. Fitted the ESC and Receiver last night and finished spraying the shell and wing. I will be painting the roll bars and prime the driver figure for the youngest to paint however he wants it. I got a decal set from RC decals on eBay for like £16 a while back https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126638406322?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qW7tzbxUQuK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=IGhgTvYPTIy&var=427681526233&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I'm waiting on the 3D printed axle brace and bigger battery cover to arrive to finish it off.
  5. I've had a local company print off 6 x AmPro Grasshopper 2/Super Hornet Transmission brace which they have kindly done for absolutely no cost, I bought the file from myminiature site through AmPro. The thing is I only need 2 max (One for my SH replica and I'm planning on building a GH2 in the future) I'm giving 4 of these away on here as long as the buyer pay their own postage. I'm not selling them as I'm not wanting to make money on someone else's product and design out of respect for @Pintopower whom I'm a big follower of his work on youtube etc If you want one just send me a message or comment on here etc 👍
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