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About Kurukurukuri

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  1. Congrats all! Turnip just a correction on my chassis - I used the M06 Lotus Europa. My mistake I must have written TT02 as I was doing the build at the time. Really neat to see the results and all the different kits people are running. I see a C11 in there - a kit I have yet to build that may remain a shelf queen. How did it feel on this track Turnip? Also I wrote off the MB01 to be a rather goofy chassis but obviously it can do well with the right setup and driver. (Says the guy running an M06 lol) Can't wait for the next! Hopefully I don't have snow, temps are down to 2 Celsius where I am now.
  2. Hi all! Two new comers here. Myself and my buddy who lives nearby. I believe he will post on this thread separately. We met at a halfway point and hashed it out with our cars. This was our first course, and boy was it a technical one. Quite a handful and had me on my toes. Since this was a first not sure if I made the course too small. The grid is based upon meters correct? I only had a measuring tape based on feet so had to get out the calculator. Anyways, this was a nifty run and had a lot of fun. Looking forward to next track!
  3. Oh wow thank you all for chiming in! This is such useful information. This I think, is the first big "hop up" for the kit, and I'm excited to experiment with it. Cheers!
  4. Hi all, I've had my nice little Land Cruiser CC02 for a while now, been enjoying taking it camping, at the beach etc. I decided to first go with the stock rims and tires. They are hard as rock. Now I'm looking to tinker a bit, and go for a softer compound tire. But I'm a bit lost. I can't figure out where to start. I'm guessing first: what size rims should I be looking at? Any help would be very appreciated.
  5. I think the Frog is beautiful, and it's what got me back into RCs.
  6. I am in the exact same life stage as you. Currently tuning up a comical frog to take out with my two girls - 7 and 4. Running a grasshopper and hornet, but have a cc02 land cruiser and now 5 kits waiting to be built. I've been lucky in that the 7 year old wants her own grasshopper! I let them bash with me and be involved in the build process (to an extent) and think this has helped. Good luck buddy, as they get bigger they get to be the competition.
  7. As far as my research goes it's fine to start. The gearing is the biggest issue with the cc02. Go with the lowest, because anything above that is just way too fast. I went with the lowest gearing and it feels too much. Also look in to better tires - stock is way too hard. Currently looking around myself. Just finished my build yesterday!
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