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About JimBear

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  • Birthday June 15

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  • Location
    Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Germany
  • Interests
    Crawlers and scratchbuilds.

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  1. I can relate too - for the various troubles my life contains ... it's good to know that I am not alone in seeking refuge in tinkering and goofing off with nerdy stuff. I have been online for way too long, and have frequented quite a few forums (and social media but not anymore) but this one forum continues to amaze me with the kindness of strangers. I'll leave the few buts (with an extra t) where they belong and revel in the joy of playing. With an almost-no-budget for my own part, I can still hang out here and gawk happily at what others achieve - so much creativity!
  2. @BuggyDad No plastic tree, just estonian birch, really. But yes, I see the woodland relaxation and no-hay-fever angle. (Gosh, plastic christmas trees ... don't get me started!)
  3. Sorry, I have enough trees as it is with four oaklings on the windowsill ... in 250 years, they have outgrown the house, y'know. And how am I to find the sofa then? "Go look for it in the woods, man ..."
  4. Do you mean we should keep it up until next time? (it's not a real tree, in that case it would be nekkid by now)
  5. I thought of your car with all its red bits, @Juhunio, when I passed by a set of red ball bearings on the 'bay ... Totally outta my league, but cool to see what one can do.
  6. Friday over here, too. A bit of sun and a bit of clouds outside. Coffee inside. Autechre going on, since I am alone downstairs. Would drive the others batty. Not much up really - big thing tomorrow Saturday is taking the christmas tree down (yes, yes, I know, a bit on the late side, but the lights on in the evening are really nice in all this no-snow, all-darkness time of year, and there are at least two christmas fan-people in this family). Sunday: if the weather is good, we might have a bit of Pumpkin ride outside. Always a hoot. Apocalypse ... okay, but make it quick, then, @Mad Ax.
  7. My uncle was a car mechanic, and as a kid, I marvelled at the order in the tiny garage - his tool panel had hooks, and there was a neatly painted silhouette for each tool. That impressed the 5 year old me greatly.
  8. There's always things that irks. I am with you on the RC10, I'd love to try an RC10T, but there is only so much budget to spend, and since it would be a sideline track, it's not going to happen at 400+ euros. I had some big hopes for the Yokomo 834b, since they did such a good job with the 870c. I was thinking "kit to build, with spares to go". What showed up is a shelfer, since there is nothing in the way of spares, and it's already half-built out of the box. Priced lower, as a kit, with spares, it could be a nice tinkerbox. As for Tamiya, I was initially positive to the idea of the Hornet EVO. Maybe it looks better in real life. The DT-04 on the other hand appeals to me, but since I have no DT-02/03, I am sort of on the fence whether to get the DT-04 or just sit down and get a DT-02 already. Not much in the way of gripes, right?
  9. I know the feeling - my wife isn't neat, but she moves stuff out of the way ("to get rid of it to be able to work"), and then both of us have to figure out where it went off to. She gets into these @njmlondon OCD moments every now and then, though. What might help along towards the "organized" state, is what I do with the kids' RC stuff. It goes into small containers, roughly sorted. Then I (since I tend to be asked where anything is in the house) can search a much smaller space to hopefully find what needs to be found. I used to be a pile-o-junk-and-paper man in earlier years, because like you I had it all "organized" in my head - I had a clear picture in my head of where things were, related to other things. But that only works as long as nobody moves the stuff and you live alone ... As I've gotten older, there's less mess and more order. But the gist of that is that it gets pretty time consuming and hard to keep things tidy if you are drowning in stuff. So there is (to me at least) a link between too much stuff and not finding the stuff. I can relate to @Morinstal with the flooding, it's exasperating. But somehow enlightening, in the sense that I see what's really valuable and what's not.
  10. Aha - these are same (as far as I can see) as the 58512 ones. I have no idea what to fit, then. It's me getting things all mixed up - I was actually thinking of the Mighty Bull, not the Mad Bull, when replying. So my reply was a load of Bull, sort of.
  11. Try the 58512 rims for the WR-02 VW van, perhaps? (I guess you have hex up front too?)
  12. @NUFCRc - the Bug looks cool with those rims - I am a bit oldschool, so prefer these. 12 mm hex in the rear rims? Good call on the Blitza tyres.
  13. Yeah, that's a good reminder. In this case, it is used in two places: grub screw on pinion and rear wheel nuts on the CW-01 since the wheels tend to fall off. No idea if the hop-up aluminium plate part would be a solution to that particular issue.
  14. @Siclick33 Yep, that's the one. The gold version was way too expensive and too much of a shelf queen for my taste. But still cool.
  15. I think (someone with better knowledge correct me!) they used to glue material (foam) onto the rims back in the days, sort of cut and shut-style. I would imagine not much is possible to mix between the different brands. I still slap myself over the head every now and then that I missed out on the EP 4WD. The CRC seems to be available. And the newly released Plazma.
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