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About _Ben_

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    Instagram: _rc_showroom_

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  1. Small chance of any issues with this. Silicone is a poor steel lubricator so the only chance of it causing a problem is if it is fluid enough to "wash out" and replace the grease in the bearings.
  2. I get my Tamico orders delivered to family in Germany, and then put them in the boot of the car when we visit...
  3. Can’t wait to see the body - it’s looking like a TRF-Box!
  4. You could order from Modelsport and specify the connector you need.
  5. I don’t imagine a thin layer of lexan and paint noticeably reducing a 2.4GHz signal. I don’t run antennae on any of my cars - I simply tuck away the receiver aerial in the chassis.
  6. The postman always rings twice. 👀 😂
  7. Parts for a future M08 build. Including a brushed 15T Reedy motor. I can’t decide whether to put this straight into the M08 or put it in the Dirt Master to free up a BZ for the M08… my suspicion is the BZ is too torquey for the M08. Also, some SCA-1E parts have landed at my German address, so they’ll be coming back with me late this month.
  8. No! No fun at all. I had to open all the doors and windows and it’s cold here today. 😂 I have emailed the shop - I’d like a replacement.
  9. This motor is this one: https://rochesterrc.uk/shop/firma-80t-rebuildable-3-pole-brushed-crawler-motor/
  10. Thank you for the advice The ESC actually has just gone up in smoke before I had chance to try swapping wires. Brand new HW1060 (Spektrum Firma crawler motor).
  11. Hi! I just installed motor and Esc into a crawler. Motor and Esc wires correctly connected +/+ and -/-. Tx throttle set normal. Throttle gives reverse and is quick! Reverse gives throttle and is slow! So I reverse throttle at the Tx. Throttle gives throttle but slow. Reverse gives reverse but quick. What the heck is going on? I never saw this before. I’m reluctant to reverse the wiring between the motor and Esc - worried of damaging the motor/Esc/both. Please help!
  12. Don’t keep buying motors or ESCs. Listen to skom’s and Alvin’s advice about a possible loose pinion.
  13. Thanks for the input, chaps. A servo winch could be a winner, if I can make it work.
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