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About Hoser

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  1. I’m not 100% on size but I’ve got these bookmarked for my outlaw ultima (I think tyres are the same, I don’t have a login to the site you linked to so can’t see your pic) https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/schumacher-mini-spike-blue-truck-tyres-pr--2289
  2. I was there in April (also from the UK) with much the same plan, do make a trip across to Indy, the shop didn’t have any Tamiya that I remember but the track was great, I watched some practice, met a couple of the regulars, great way to spend a little time.
  3. Had an email from Jadlam today advertising pre orders for the Manta Ray - I added to the cart, thought about it for a bit and then it was no longer available - fair play if the pre order allocation sold out that fast! Managed to get an order in at Modelsport instead. I never had one, but having a Boomerang and Thundershot it seems like it completes some very niche 80s to early 90s 4WD collection 🤣
  4. I will be selling the items in the picture on eBay next time they do an 80% off seller fees offer, but offering them here in the meantime. PM me if interested. Thanks, Sam
  5. Hey @Kol__ do you have a stock of parts for MRs? @bavee’s MR is on its way to me 😁 (thank you sir), it won’t have a hard life but will be useful to have a few contacts to turn to in times of need! Looking forward to MR ownership.
  6. Thanks @Saito2, that’s interesting, I built a rere Thundershot a few weeks ago and (bearing in mind that was probably the first time I built a Tamiya CVA since 1990) thought the shock bodies seemed lightweight … but who knows whether those are v1 or v2, it’s been 30+ years so take any judgement from me with a pinch of salt, no doubt I will build the boomerang shocks and notice no difference at all! Thanks for the info 👍
  7. Excuse my ignorance, but what are the updates you’d hope to see? If the CVAs were this newer type, what would that mean in practise? Just curious…
  8. Thank you Time Tunnel, going to wait for an RC zen-like moment to build this, again …
  9. I’m sorry to read this, you and your family are in excellent hands with hospice care and as said above, strength to your family sir.
  10. Funnily enough having had a Boomerang on pre order since January (hoping to get it anytime now) I bought a Thundershot to build a few weeks ago just to scratch the itch. As has been said, the newer model is surprisingly capable for what it is but I prefer the Boomerang style / nostalgia. I might put the Thundershot up for sale (but not up to speed on the rules for the forum yet so happy to delete that from here if it’s ‘not cricket’) enjoy whatever you get 👍
  11. Sorry for the slow reply, I want to be a regular contributor and support the forum but life gets in the way and then I realise it has been [embarrassed cough!] THREE weeks that I’ve ignored your message. Hangs head in shame… Thanks the heads up, I’ll use my own space when I get around to it to post some project pics and then if I do get more regular will happily pay the subscription fee 👍 Many thanks, Hoser
  12. Hi @netsmithUK, any chance you could add me to tcphotos? Many thanks 👍
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