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About Mikes

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  1. Thanks. I did see that the rear arms have a simlar spacer at the rear that I was thinking to cut off and add shims at the front. With both combined could easily get 257mm.
  2. Hi Guys. Been reading through this awesome thread and I had a look at that HPI RS4 there one place in Aus with it at a great price. Most things here are at crazy import prices so getting in at your budget is nigh on impossible even for a TT02 So not much experience here have an xv01 with a 240Z body- waaaaay over budget just for XV01 kit. I have noticed though that the RS$ is a 254mm wheelbase according to HPI site hwereas most Of my bodies are at the 257mm . Will this work? cheersMike from Melbourne - where hteres no RC rally
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