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About Bensonp

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  1. Bensonp


    Just tried that ESC but is too big and the heatsink is red not black so thinking it might be a different model ??
  2. Thank you but this is the stock brushed esc that comes with the kit was hopping to for a brushless setup :)
  3. Bensonp


    Thats great thank you for your help
  4. Bensonp


    Can anyone identify this Hobbywing ESC please Seems to fit perfect in the Top Force f88k93f3m7q81.webp
  5. Hi guys new to the site and Tamiya after 30 + years. I have just finished a Top Force Evo re release after owning one when i was younger. I have decided to try brushless with a 10.5t Hobbywing motor but cannot find a sutible place to mount the Hobbywing ESC without the cables fouling to body. Can any one suggest any options or post some pictures. I dont mind chaning the ESC if needed but dont want to order a replacment if i have the same issues? Thanks in advance Paul
  6. Hi sorry for re opening the thread, You mention you have a Hobbywing G3 Sensored ESC. Im trying to fit the same ESC but cannot find a location on the car without the wires fouling the body. Have you any images i can look please.
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