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Wystan Withers

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About Wystan Withers

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  1. Here's a TL01-LA front arm sitting on an Evo 1/2 'Hard' Arm. the LA is indeed about 3-4 mm shorter.
  2. The struggle is real. I go through spurts where get in the right mood and get organized. But I really have to be in the right mood. Been pretty good the past year or so buying those little plastic organizer trays, but even those make big meesy piles if you have enough of them.
  3. Could a fella ask a favor and entreat upon you to flip it over and measure the width of the body, say from doorsill to doorsill? Working on something special and waiting till August for a test fit will kill me
  4. Welcome to the party. Most of the highlights have already been hit, just thought I 'd chime in that yeggi.com is an aggregator site that crawls a bunch of places you can d/l designs (like thingiverse , Prusa's library, cults and so on) that can speed up your searches often times. Currently my favorite PLA is Polyumaker Polylite Pro- not terrible expensive and prints like butter. Otherwise, party on and don't get discouraged. there will be frustrating days, but there will also be lots of awesome days.
  5. Nifty. Looks like a baby version of my old Enco 'round column' mill/drill. Now you have a reason to buy a tiny compound table
  6. They gave us the Group 5 Capri, maybe we get lucky... I wonder if when BMW bought Mini they got the rights to the alternate bodies? They gave us TWO Citroens (at least one of which is one of the ugliest cars ever designed) so would it really be too much to ask to get something like a Riley Elf even if only to satisfy Tamiya's quirkiness demons?
  7. Likely not an accident. But for a couple parts one often has to buy an entire car... and Tamiya hopes it will be a new one rather than keeping an old one on the road. I have the same worries with all these touch screen computers they're putting in modern cars controlling everything from the AC to the radio to the mirrors etc. Once those screens die and can no longer be replaced, how huge of a hit to the value of the car did you just take for want of a dock in the dash which uses a standardized swappable iPad like device shared between different marques?
  8. 'Murica baby. That said, there's a great old video out there of a British road race full of Cortinas and Coopers and such circa 1963/64 and someone decided to bring a 427 Galaxie to the party... pure comedy. Minis on three wheels (as one does) shredding the bloated pig in the corners, then Andre the Giant shouts "Everybody move" as the Galaxie passes everyone on the straights and then does it's best to slow to a crawl for the corners. After a few laps the Galaxie's brakes cooked and though the track turned to the right, that big ol' Ford went straight and since the track was slightly elevated, ended up perched at a 45* angle with it's massive trunk hanging over the track- no yellow flag, no clean up crew, just a couple brave souls running out onto the track dodging cars to move a couple hay bales in the way. Good times. We now return you to your regular programming. I'd love to see a Mk1 Lotus Cortina body as well.
  9. The first four inches M05v2 (removable damper stays, recess for droop adjustment, square battery) mated to the last half inch of M03 (the female receiver for that tail end of the chassis) and the tail remains unchanged except for the recesses for droop adjustment form the M05v2 arms and removable damper stays. Mount the steering servo on the existing bosses for the old mechanical speed control and run along steering arm up to the standard M05 steering linkages. Planned it all out in my head ages ago, but don't have the CAD skills. M07/08 suspension would be nice, but they could have released this instead of the MB-01 thing for a lot less R&D money. An M03v2 and M04v2 (square battery, droop recesses, replaceable damper stays) would hold far more interest to me than MB-whatever.
  10. Gimmie gimmie gimmie... Story goes, the Falcon's 289 so completely trounced the Minis they had to invent a whole bunch of secret penalties after the fact because the European race commissioners didn't want an American upstart (despite being driven by a fearless Swede) to win. Cue Ford vs. Ferrari in 3...2...1... or was that 1-2-3 at Le Mans, and 4 consecutive victories, I forget
  11. For me there's just something so appealing about the simplicity of design of the M03 (and TL-01 for that matter) that tugs at my heartstrings somewhere.
  12. I have them listed on eBay, but drop me a line if you're in the US, I cover domestic shipping and you don't get dinged for local sales tax. Internationally I think eBay offers a better deal on shipping than me doing it through my local post office as they will charge $17+ for the first pound.
  13. (spins in chair) MINI! MINI! MINI! MINI! (spins in chair opposite direction) E30! E30! E30! E30! These were the exact two things I wanted, despite my snark and pessimism. 25 years ago I acquired a new catch phrase, "Friends don't let friends drink and eBay" by paying WAY too much for the Japan-market Jagermeister M3 body. Of course MCI makes things so much easier these days. The 104 is lovely, if not my wheelhouse. My gut reaction to the buggy was that it looked Lego inspired as well. And who knows, considering the money people pay for Legos it might serve as a gateway drug from Legos to Tamiya... some creative soul might make printed panels with the nubs on the sides for visual effect (someone more talented and interested than me). Maybe even a scaled up Lego driver figure for fun.
  14. Watch, after all our pessimism, they'll surprise us with the hardbody Brat on a Super Champ chassis they intended way back when but never released. Come to think of it, looks like I just added one more to the "I'll have to build one of those someday" list.
  15. I vote the most likely outcome is something no one asked for- like the TA02 Hummer rebodied as a Cybertruck.
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