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About ShadowyStingray

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  1. Congrats @GToddC5 on having success at Tower and getting them to attempt to "make things right!" Just out of curiosity, did you have the HS2 pre-ordered already or did you just buy it when you saw it was "in stock" recently? I pre-ordered two the day it showed up in their system (11/08 I believe) and I received one last week and one this week. I was worried they were going to play the usual shenanigans and tell me "it didn't go through" but to my surprise, they did actually get fulfilled. I also had 3 or so transactions for the same amount from Horizon for each order on my credit card, same as others. If you were able to order an HS2 recently and have it fulfilled quickly, that sounds like they either got a lot in or didn't have too many pre-orders (maybe since the word is out they suck and better to try somewhere else first). They managed to "lose" my Super Sabre pre-orders even though I ordered them also on the day they appeared in their system and then went out of stock so either they didn't get many Super Sabres or there were lots of orders for them. I am still waiting on my re-order with "make good" loyalty points they gave me, even though the status for it is currently "in stock." I hope they actually honor that transaction soon.
  2. (New member, several-year reader... Great community, tons of great info!) Just thought I'd echo @GToddC5's experience with Tower. I also pre-ordered a couple of Super Sabres the day they showed up on Tower's site on 9/14 using the available coupon codes at the time and also watched the inventory "status" of the Super Sabre go from "pre order" to "in stock" and then to "back order" over the past several months all without any indication my order was processed. Usually Tower/HH charge your credit card/payment source a couple of days before they send notification they've shipped the item (or it shows up in FedEx's app/Delivery Manager) so you get some advance warning if you get alerts from your credit cards that something is about to happen with your order. So far, nothing on the Super Sabres. After watching all of those inventory changes, I finally did chat with Tower CS a few days ago and was told the same thing as others have reported: the system failed to process the orders and I'll have to place new order(s). Wonderful. Now my "place" in line from pre-ordering is gone and I went from being one of the first to get one from Tower to possibly not getting one at all. I asked why they didn't let me know and all the CS rep said was "unfortunately we don't notify on failed orders." So it looks "good" when you go to your order history, but is somehow screwed up in their system... Great. I told the CS rep (even though it isn't his fault) more or less "Tower sucks" and he did offer to give double loyalty points back for the points I used and the coupon codes I used for the hassle which ended up being about 7000 points for those that are familiar with them. That translated to a $140 discount so I reluctantly went ahead and placed a new order with the $140 discount since you can't beat that price. I also hedged my bets and bought one from Hub Hobby (great shop, I highly recommend) which arrived today. So anyway, if you have a pre-order and it is in limbo, you should reach out to them and hopefully they can make good on your pre-order with loyalty points reimbursements, etc., not that it helps too much since they're out of stock now. I can't help but wonder if they're just jerking around (meaning not processing) any existing orders that used coupon codes since they obviously don't do them anymore and they don't take your money until the item is available. Maybe they are losing money or have another reason for why they can't honor them; if so honesty would have been nice and a simple e-mail saying "sorry but we can't afford to give you the discount anymore or the manufacturer doesn't allow us to discount anymore and you'll have to re-order" or something to that effect rather than no communication at all and giving false hope. I guess that's too much to ask and maybe the simpler explanation is they just have bigger issues with their systems as seems to be the case. It is a shame since Tower pretty much always had the best prices with the discounts and Super Saver loyalty points. If they aren't going to offer any discounts, there really isn't any reason to deal with them anymore, and doubly so due to all of the recent debacles. I have a couple of Hot Shot II pre-orders outstanding with them that I'm going to check on and ask their CS if they are "OK" in their system or "failed to process" too (the Hot Shot II came after the coupon codes went away so here's hoping they're OK); they will probably be my last order from Tower too.
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