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About RJMoge

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  1. Wanted Team CRP 1601 aftermarket front shock kit for vintage frog 5841 - sorry site wouldn't let me upload pictures at the time I posted this.
  2. Wanted Team CRP 1601 aftermarket front shock kit for vintage frog 5841 - sorry site won't let me attach pictures right now for some reason.
  3. Wanted Team CRP 1601 aftermarket front shock kit for vintage frog 5841
  4. Hello, I was wondering do you still have this FROG front shock conversion kit?
  5. Nicadraus - is the picture you posted the Kyosho reissue dampers? If so I may just go that route and grab those and look for the silver spring and collar replacements. I read on another post that the reissue dampers are 10mm shorter than the original ones. I am not sure if that will be a problem or not. I have not been able to find any information on the dimensions of the mounting holes on the original or reissue.
  6. That would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your help!
  7. Big Jon, If these are something you would consider parting with I would be interested in talking. Even if you are not interested in selling would you be able to provide some pictures of what you have? That may help me in my search to find a set. Thank you for taking the time to reach out!
  8. Big Jon, If these are something you would consider parting with I would be interested in talking. Even if you are not interested in selling would you be able to provide some pictures of what you have? That may help me in my search to find a set. Thank you for taking the time to reach out!
  9. Hello, I am searching for what I now believe (after so many wonderful members reached out about) are a set of these for a tribute car I am building. For the original car that I am modeling my build after they were put on a vintage Tamiya FROG 5841 (ORV chassis). It looks like the original KYOSHO red dampers/absorbers along with the CRP coil overs are going to be very hard to find. Do you know if the 10mm length difference for the more modern OT236R will still work in this application on a FROG? I have found modern day remakes of the silver collars I just want to make sure if I buy the OT236R they will still fit being that much longer. I have attached a pic albeit a terrible one it shows the set up on a FROG. Thank you for any help!
  10. Someone also told me the same thing that he thinks they are from the Kyosho Optima with a CRP adjustable spring kit on it. He claims it was a highly popular upgrade back in the day. I appreciate you taking the time to help as well.
  11. That is correct. I am looking for any information on the aftermarket set up shown in the pictures. It is for a tribute build I was working on. Thanks
  12. Hello all, I am looking for some help from all the vintage Tamiya experts on here to identify a rear shock set up that was available for the original FROG (5841). My usual channels for searching have produced no results so far. Attached is a picture of a rear shock set up I am searching for to complete a retro build. Looking for information on either the brand so I can try to locate one, or best case scenario someone who sees this happens to actually have a set they would consider parting with. I know the group here collectively has a vast knowledge of this vintage stuff so I am hopeful someone has some information. Thanks for looking and any information would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hello all, I am looking for some help from all the vintage Tamiya experts on here to identify a rear shock set up that was available for the original FROG (5841). My usual channels for searching have produced no results so far. Attached is a picture of a rear shock set up I am searching for to complete a retro build. Looking for information on either the brand so I can try to locate one, or best case scenario someone who sees this happens to actually have a set they would consider parting with. I know the group here collectively has a vast knowledge of this vintage stuff so I am hopeful someone has some information. Thanks for looking and any information would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Looking for an experienced R/C painter, to hire, for painting 4 or 5 vintage hard plastic bodies, that I will seemingly never get the time to do myself. Next to not having enough time to complete them anytime in the near future, I don't want to experiment too much with them since replacement bodies for them will be difficult and expensive to source. Looking for high quality work on these vintage bodies as they will be display models. Feel free to reach out. Thanks
  15. Looking for an experienced R/C painter, to hire, for painting 4 or 5 vintage hard plastic bodies, that I will seemingly never get the time to do myself. Next to not having enough time to complete them anytime in the near future, I don't want to experiment too much with them since replacement bodies for them will be difficult and expensive to source. Looking for high quality work on these vintage bodies as they will be display models. Feel free to reach out. Thanks
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