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About pamarakos

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  1. If it was to race it off road what would you replace before doing it? Ok softer springs and softer damper oil, maybe the cva mini to have them in hand to replace the stock ones for this event....what else is a must? I ve already made it wider front and rear with 10mm hex and 6mm offset wheels.
  2. That s good to kniw..already planned it and waiting for the parts delivery Thanks I ll let you know how it goes
  3. It was supposed to be a rally setup, so even 400cst is thick already...same goes off-road ??? ...there is a set with springs coming in shortly, so I ll try the hard ones first to see if anything changes
  4. Today we ve organized a little on road rally at a parking lot on a tight little stage. It was my first try with the xm, either at full high suspension height or at full low, with its stock wheels or touring radial wheels which fitted without messing with suspension and hex, behaviour was awful and tended to roll at every turn. Reduced EPA for steering no different result...maybe it s off-road oriented after all? Suspension was at 400cst, what was inside the kit. Any proposals?
  5. Can I fit these A15 both on one side so as to move the wheel a little more to the front tongain some space and use rally block tyres if I need to? Is there something wrong then?
  6. I wonder why they didnt do it like the mirrors, with a clip and an oring...I ll try what you said...thanks
  7. Hi all Has anybody done this body ever? How is rear wing assembled? It s got only a pair of screws and 2 washers....any ideas? It s from team c design if it helps Thanks
  8. Ohh..this is what you ve meant ...this is what I was asking in the beginning..sorry maybe wrong expression...except this what more can be used was my first question, thats why I was asking for a damper kit...
  9. I listened to your advice and ordered the tge axles to make it a little wider and fit the corolla 237wb/190width body, so I guess it will fit TC wheels or even rallyblock wheels:) so I guess you are right I ll gain height from there too...
  10. Hmmm..looked all over damper settings and assemble in the manual...you mean in the optional hopups?
  11. Of course I would go to xv-02 if real off road would be a race to do...but at most cases it will be flat dirt if not parking lot rally race with one or 2 little jumps...so I think xm will be nice...just to give it a little more height I was wo dering what set of dampers would be ideal
  12. And next step for extra height which suspension set gives more?
  13. Hi all Been preparing my order for the xm-01, so whats the maximum height it can reach with the uprights at high position and dampers quite high setting? Is there any set of dampers to make it a little higher that fit directly? Thanks
  14. So what more do I need together with these axles? Just the 53500 cross joint and I m set I guess:)
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