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About Freetime

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  1. Went for a Thunder Shot and a VQS as the shop had a sale on, they’ll both keep me amused for a while 😃
  2. Thanks for all the replies. I’m favouring slotting the on / off switch on the side of the esc and leaving it always on, seems the easiest solution. It’s my first Hobbywing esc, those guys don’t give you much length on the wires, the motor cables barely make it out the side of the chassis!
  3. Other than replacing the on/off switch on my Hobbywing 1060 what’s the best way of mounting it to a Thunder Shot? As you all know the Hobbywing switch doesn’t fit the chassis. Would it just be easier to leave it turned on and avoid the placement issue?
  4. I had a Terra Scorcher BITD and remember liking the chassis, so might try a Fire Dragon / Thunder Shot as the re re Terra Scorcher isn’t stocked here now. Also had a Vanquish so the VQS appeals, love the looks still. Read good things about the Top Force Evo but think I’ve missed the boat on that to. The original Top Force came not long after i gave up rc so that’s interesting to. So many to choose from…..
  5. Thanks for the replies, I guessed the Avante would be up there. What about the Egress? it’s available here for the same price as either Avante model (albeit without motor), is the build and running experience similar or improved compared to the Avante? What’s your thoughts on the Black editions of both cars to?
  6. I’m looking for my next build after just completing the Hotshot 2 Blockhead. This was my first build in 35 years and I’m addicted again! I’m looking for a nice build which will be used for casual running, nothing hardcore. I live in Thailand and am blessed with numerous Tamiya stores which stock almost every re re so I’m struggling to choose! Prices seem reasonable compared to the UK, Egress 2013 or Black £340, Avante 2011 or Black £340, VQS £220, Top Force £140, Thunder Dragon £100 etc etc. If any of those scream bargain or I’ve missed off a good build i welcome your thoughts.
  7. Thanks again, that site from the link is quite useful
  8. Thanks, just wanted confirmation that the S-FHSS type was compatible as well as the standard FHSS type
  9. Thanks for the replies. As the 4YWD doesn’t have multiple model memory i can just manually make any trim adjustments each time i switch car, no problem 👍🏼 I assume the transmitter is compatible with s-fhss and t-fhss receivers also just as long as it’s an fhss receiver type?
  10. Hi all. After a 35 year break I’ve recently got back into the Tamiya rc world! I bought and built a Hotshot 2 BME which was great but I’ve opened the flood gates and want to add to the fleet. I’d like to keep the receiver (R214GF-E which came with the TX) in the Hotshot as it’s a pain to access, and buy an additional receiver but i can’t find any of the above RX separately. So two questions, can the TX 4YWD be used for multiple receivers and also what receivers are compatible with it (Futaba preferably).
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