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1471 Sir Frederick Banbury

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About 1471 Sir Frederick Banbury

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  1. Now we just need to see how the Doyusha motors compare, and I also want to modify one of those Unparalleled motors to have ball bearings and silver graphite brushes! Thanks for your major contribution!
  2. they shouldn't have a problem. 29,000 RPM/3 Volts = 9,667 KV, so 9,667 x 12 = 116,000 potential RPM, but I should really get a couple samples to test and a laser tachometer to get real world data. If we add the potential for ball bearings, silver graphite brushes, and better balancing on top of that, how fast can 12 Volts get us? That's what keeps me up at night at least.
  3. a plasma dash should get 60,000 from basic calculations IIRC, but I just want to see how close I can get. I absolutely dont expect to get anywhere near that, but how close can I get? thats what I want to know!
  4. I too am extremely interested in finding/making the fastest brushed motor possible, so I commend you for helping this effort. between these motors, the Doyushas and others, I hope to get as close as possible to 110,000 rpm at 12 volts, with good reliability.
  5. do they have a website? $27 USD is just over half of what I can find on Ebay, so I would love to find anything cheaper than $50!
  6. I'm probably going to buy a new plasma dash off of ebay and a laser tachometer to run a test for the fastest brushed motor available. Hilariously, I wont really ever end up using the speed these demons make (at least in raw form), but will be using them mostly to be geared down >100:1 ratio for use in model trains and the likes of. The reason for that, is to make something that can goat very slow speeds smoothly and so that flywheels can fully smooth out the torque, which is the exact opposite of their designed function (4WD), but they are well suited for such uses.
  7. Thanks. I saw the Doyusha used in Thomas the Tank Engine toys oddly enough, as those trains were being used as a way to demonstrate the speed difference. I have one Doyusha that says 75k, but it struggles to get going in the first place, and has brass brushes that wear out quick! here is that video for those who were wondering: Tomy Trackmaster Motor swap comparison Plarail プラレール (youtube.com) its a really good visual demonstration of the speed difference
  8. I think I did also figure out a little trick to get motors to get 1.5 times more speed. It was from trying to use an armature as an electromagnet to find a tiny screw in carpet. the result is having almost no resistance to turning by hand and thus a higher top end speed, more noise, and a surprisingly long wait for the coasting motor to stop, oh and did I mention brush and bearing wear!
  9. I just wish I could still have it for cheap. I have seen some motors marked Doyusha 130 beat it, but they are inconsistent and also not produced anymore. the best thing though, is to gear these down to normal speeds and have even more torque and momentum in some applications
  10. While I dont do much 4WD, I love the Plasma Dash motor, and use it in many applications. Imagine my confusion when its out of stock at Hobbytown and everywhere else. The 4WD wiki doesn't even have any info, I went to the Tamiya website where its discontinued(?) Why would Tamiya stop producing this marvel, and why has nobody on any forum has asked about it? Now it goes for a minimum of 60$ USD on Ebay! How Unfortunate.
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