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About PastTimeBuilder247

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  1. Thanks! I’ll pick up a set of those for sure. Last thing I need is a wheel bouncing down the parking lot 😄
  2. I too have noticed this. Before I found this forum, I thought I incorrectly assembled something. I spent 30mins going back and forth. Shimmed with 0.1mm front and rear on one side each to solve this. On both your builds, did you find the rear axle shaft too short with the 1mm (6mm total) hex spacer? The locknuts won’t even thread into the nylock portions.
  3. I just finished building my XM01, but find the wheel axle shafts too short. If I run the 1mm spacer in the rear as suggested by Tamiya, the wheel nut will not thread up to the nylock portion. Has anyone else had this problem? Thank You!
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