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About Phantom_Cyclist

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  1. I have built a couple of big rigs and have been replacing the supplied boron nitride bearings with roller bearings. I now have an increasing number of boron nitride bearings. Has anyone got ideas of what to use them for? It seems a pity to just bin them.
  2. Both diffs? I read somewhere the front diff should be left as filling it and making it a Limited slip diff can affect the steering?
  3. Following your ideas as I build my King Hauler. Noobie question, when using the thick diff oil is that just a smear on the gears in the diff casing or fill the diff casing with thick oil?
  4. I have recently completed my first truck. Searching eBay I came across a job lot of 3d printed trailers at a very reasonable price. One was a low loader. It has 4 axles at the rear with the suspension much like the Tamiya trailers in that each axle is paired with another via an inverted leaf spring. When loaded the weight distribution is such that the rearmost wheels are almost off the ground. I assume that what is needed is to increase the spring load on the front pair of axles but have no idea where to start with doing so. Or would oil dampers help? All suggestions welcome.
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