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About Jersauce

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  1. Yeah, so my friend gave me the car a couple of years ago and without the box or manual at first. Had no identification so I wasn't sure what it was. Posted on r/rccars on reddit and immediately someone identified it as an RCL Incident. Same reaction from people there. From my research at the time I believe it was only made for a couple of years. And I was fascinated with the 4w steering.
  2. Selling a 1986(?) RCL Incident with 4WD and 4WSteering. Car is fully operational and comes with the box and original manual. The box contains some of the original parts used in the build and leftover hardware. This was a friend's father's car that he has owned since purchased new. I have driven it a few times and it holds up well to the Neo Scorcher I bought my son last year. This is likely an aftermarket motor that was installed - I do not know the vintage of. For any interested parties, I can catalogue the contents that are inside of the box. There may be a mechanical speed controller never used, plus I believe a couple of vintage ESC's. My Facebook post with a video showing functionality of the drive and steering systems: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1099047324564828
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