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About PipsinyS

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  1. Hi, To introduce myself - regarding Rc cars, I usually model and 3d print tractors, dozers etc. Stuff like Soviet T-150k tractor, DET-250 dozer etc. Went to a local thrift store today and saw this Audi there. It was there like 2 years ago, but decided to pay a bit more attention to it today. Was planning to work on Audi Quattro Sport S1 as my new 3d printing project and thought that if this one is cheap, could take it for parts. Owner asked 65 euros, but negotiated it down to 55 euros. Checked the battery and everything, it all seemed to work fine so I thought it was a good deal. At home, was checking it out and chassis seemed to be kind of old school, so most of the parts are not really suitable for what I'm planning to do. Would need some help to understand, what exactly is this. It had broken front left steering, but i modeled the broken parts, 3d printed them (Blue ones in the images) and car now drives pretty well. It definitely is an Audi A4 touring car made by Tamiya. The chassis I think is TA03F which would indicate that it is late 90ties/early 20ties model. Was thinking that maybe it's - Tamiya Audi A4 STW 58182, but some things seem odd. Like the windows - they are silver and not black. The pictures that I checked, windows usually are black. So could this be an aftermarket shell on it? Also the front bumper for 58182 is black with bosch logos, this one doesn't have them. And the rear wing. Color is off. Wheels seem to be original. Battery isn't, but the rest seems to be quite original. Ah it also has mechanical speed controller, which also makes me think that this is some vintage model. So my question would be - what exactly is it and is it worth keeping as is or is it just pile of junk? Thanks!
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