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About Flerbizky

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/08/1973

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  • Location
    Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Interests
    My Kwack, RC cars (Well D'uh)

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  1. Not sure I'm of any help (as pr. usual) - but going along with AMPRO Engineering, I installed a set of Frog Universals (part# 53908) with my MIP diff. Mind you, I'm only running an old Technipower (keeping it oldskool ), but it hasn't popped so far.
  2. no... lol I still think it could work though...lol
  3. Can't help with the stickers, but I can highly recommend the ones from MCI Racing!
  4. I don't really. Well ventilated area. It's not something I do every day, or even every month, so whatever little dust I accidentally inhale - so be it. If I was really concerned about this, I should really give up smoking as well and move out of the city. Someone at Reddit was ready to give up on a make of RC cars because the clutch plate in the slipper contained asbestos, and he probably inhales more of that in 2 days just by living in the city.
  5. 2.5mm fibreglass. I'm going all out with carbon on my next sandwich chassis project (Blitzer Beetle)
  6. While I agree the LW is a nice option, it's far too rare for a runner/basher (IMHO of course). SC10 tranny swap is super easy, plenty of pictures around (some by me even) and makes the truck tranny bulletproof.
  7. That doesn't look half bad. And if the diffs and transmission can take a bit of beating - that's a winner!
  8. My original which comes with a 750 as standard does have a small bracket over the front chassis-brace which supports the motor - but I would have no issues sticking a 750 in my re-re without it. Else they're the same, so off you go (:
  9. Or an expensive shrink wrapped Tamiya box with a dead cat inside..
  10. No. But my obviously stupid joke about you throwing the rest of you away after losing a bit of hair apparently fell flat on its face. Bigtime.
  11. That's quite drastic for losing a little bit of hair no?
  12. @SuperChamp82mentioned the Futaba 4YWD with added shift gate. Something like this perhaps? https://www.stellamodels.com.hk/graphite-stick-shift-gate-futaba-4vwd-p-2798.html - I know it says for the 4VWD on the page, but I'm sure you can find something that fits (or make this fit). 4YWD product page says: All channels in self-neutral (spring-loaded) for easy use with MF units or firing of main guns
  13. Sorry. But modern ESCs don't use FETs - that was back in the days: ESC with FETs (burned through protective shrink with a 2x12): Modern ESCs handles the output through PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) - and will actually run cooler at lower throttle than they will on full. When running on partial throttle, the motor will naturally draw (a lot) less power than it will at what.
  14. Knock yourself out with mechanical limiting. Tape a piece of cardboard behind the trigger. As you said yourself, in the old days, power was regulated by letting it flow through resistors. Today. What a modern ESC does, is cut the stream of power into small chunks, so instead of a continuous stream of power, like --------------------------------- you get chunks released like: - - - - - - - - with more and more chunks released in the same time the more throttle you apply. Do I even make any sense? (:
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