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About tecnica2001

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  1. So I took the RadFox for a drive, and want I thought could fail, did, the old and brittle plastic drive shafts, so, why not upgrade.... Blue Integy TRAXXAS Bandit drive shafts....😁
  2. A lot more work went into the Mbaku Blackfoot, besides the interior, I’ve added: Front bumper KC lights Ampro Engineering Ford Tailgate letters Ford Hi Lift tailpipe I see the light at the end of the tunnel with this one😁
  3. Worked on the interior a bit more, added the steering wheel and a small digital display (look alike), I gotta say, it came out better than expected, maybe some paint and more details in the future “maybe”😁
  4. I’m using these: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F274283625583
  5. I made a small video while replacing the rear arms👍 https://youtu.be/B7W0LLgK8bA
  6. Got a bit done on the Good Ole Boomer: Dyed the wheels black and added some scale hardware, painted the letters, added some spotlights, raised the wing a bit to make it look different, and mounted it the opposite way..... Still awaiting my 3ARacing shocks.👍
  7. I bought: NEW Wheels and tires CRP arms, because I can’t stand the stock ones CRP front brace/bumper Fast Eddies ball bearings New Tamiya Falcon gears New Rear Shock tower I still paid a pretty penny getting it to this point,😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
  8. I’m converting mine into a dual shock, and ball racing the whole thing, parts are on hand to start the rebuild, except for the new aluminum shocks👍
  9. Finally finished and ready to go, I recycled an old Futaba servo and added a Hobbywing ESC. The steering needed some finagling, once it was all sorted out, added some decals and voila.....Sweet custom TAMIYA Sonic Fighter, I really like this buggy more than my Striker.😁
  10. Here we go: Repro Custom MCI decals....
  11. I recently acquired this original 1987 Tamiya Boomerang, and while I was never a fan of the Hotshot family of cars, I couldn’t pass this deal up. So I decided to put my little spin on it..... This will be a runner, so no full on restoration, rather clean up and rebuild, whatever is broken will be replaced or upgraded,
  12. Finally installed the 3ARacing DT-02 Aluminum Dampers, they’re pretty smooth for the price....
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