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About Johan

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  • Birthday 10/12/1972

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  1. new video of my little boat, sleightly bigger creek, and calibrated esc = more fun
  2. no, some are stock to the model, some are from other models, and some are cut on my vinyl cutter..
  3. I do have a nimh somewhere lying arround, havent used it in ages though... I only use lipos.. in all my cars..
  4. not sure if I like one more than the other.. They are quite different, although the chassis is the same.. the 5.5t brushless in my wild willy makes it almost uncontrollable, but loads of fun. the comical is not as wild, but has it's own charme.. if I really really really really had to choose.. probably i would pick my wild willy, but that is more based on the fact that I have that for a long time already...
  5. yup, that proboat one would be the one to get now.. I have had thsi one for almost 5 years, i think
  6. @toyolien yes they are worth the money, if you can still find one, and they want the original price for it.. 50 dollar or less.. But don't expect it to go like mine does.. I have upgraded to another jetdrive that is quite a bit larger, and also put in a brushless motor.
  7. not sure where to post this, but would like to share anyway...
  8. after 13 years, my WW2 is still going strong. 1 rebuild, brushless motor rebuild(5.5t), and some new gears, that is all that was needed to keep it going.
  9. after 7 years still going strong!! just new tires, that should have been on there since the beginning.
  10. No comments on the Bob Maynard Racing on the side?
  11. my mini lunchbox runs way better with the upper connectors.. before I could not make a normal turn without it ending on its side..wheelie steering is still not great, but I'd rather go fast arround a corner that slow wheelie turning
  12. and a short running video.. the silvercan makes it kinda slow for what I am used to but maybe this also means it will remain longer in 1 piece...
  13. My version of the Comical Grasshopper or comical rough rider?
  14. For your information: I run a EZrun A1 18A esc with a 12t 2030 motor (maybe a bit much, and not a drop in fit, but not hard to make it work) and a turnigy nanotech 1700mAh 2 cell lifepo battery. The battery is a receiver pack but works well with the esc. I always change out the plugs on my batteries to 4mm gold because I had tamiya plugs melting. I got the motor esc from tamico and the battery from hobbyking. The battery will also fit the dancing rider. They should both be available in UK.
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