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About backtomyroots

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    Tamiya R/C !

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  1. Well, that's about the best looking Globe Liner I've ever seen.
  2. Thanks for the fast reply - That's a bit "out of budget" but will have a look - - .
  3. That's a great set ! Thanks. I've grabbed a very inexpensive set from Amazon that will do the turn signals, head lights, fog lights and tail lights before I saw this. Nothing for the roof lights. Just watched a youtube video of a Globe Liner budget build with this set which is what just arrived via lightning fast Amazon shipping: https://www.amazon.ca/Lighting-Simulation-Flashing-Crawler-Accessory/dp/B07RB22NDH/ref=sr_1_11?crid=FH8DPOPJUH0N&keywords=tamiya+LED&qid=1661646384&sprefix=tamiya+led%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-11 Thanks
  4. Making a "Pit Stop" not quite "back" - thanks for the well wishes my friend.
  5. Hey everyone ! I've been out of the club for many years and have sold my entire collection over the last 3 years. I got bit by the bug and have been building a Globe Liner kit with an LRP Ai v2 forward/reverse esc, Tamiya torque-tuned 33T motor (semi specific), Futaba 4YWD radio/receiver, Futaba S3305 (steering) and Futaba S3004 (shifting) servos and ball bearings. In addition I added the semi driver.. I need help on a simple LED kit for the headlights, taillights, fog lights, side turn signals and the roof lights. The TLU-01 is outrageous in price and the darn roof lights 3mm x5 are not made. I need a kit that includes 5mm headlights (white), 5mm fog lights (white) 5mm tail lights (red), 5mm turn lights for rear (orange), 3mm orange for the two cab mounted signal lights, and is there a string of 3mm orange for the roof lights. I've been gone a long time and have lost complete touch with what is available now. And to answer your questions, I do not own a soldering iron any longer nor have any electronics "skills" for making my own. I thought I had saved a Tamiya 56501 Tractor Light Set - no such luck and not to be found anywhere. Not looking for the MFC units, I had one and did not like it in my Scania years ago.. No sound units required either, budget build. Hopefully some members here got my vintage collection and built models over the last few years from Ebay. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  6. Perfect for a MOD CLOD, Street Racer, or just as a display model. Grab it before it hits the Evil Bay in a few days. 125 US Shipped to USA & Canada . Offers
  7. Fixed the title finally, capitalized the Postman. Been away a long while, I'm late to the party with this one, I couldn't resist when I stumbled upon the release of this special baby !
  8. The maker of the windscreen no longer sells or makes them and has no stock left.
  9. New, in package. Sand Scorcher (Size: L); Avante (Size: XL); and Rough Rider (Labelled as Buggy Champ) (Size: XL). https://www.ebay.com/itm/224047926693 $75 OBO US Shipped Canada & US.
  10. NIB (Packaging has rips and holes in plastic) (One paper tab torn). https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Tamiya-Vintage-Juggernaut-Repair-Axles-Transmission-NEW/224037898104?hash=item3429b30778:g:yS4AAOSwnv9e3TnN Juggernaut 1 Upgraded Axle Set Juggernaut 1 Upgraded Diff Set. $150 US OBO. Shipped Free to USA & Canada
  11. Blackfoot/Monster Beetle NIB includes front and rear Rare SEES Wheels. $225 US New in package. Lunch Box/Midnight Pumpkin NIB includes front and rear Rare SEES Wheels. $150 US New in Package. Free shipping to USA & Canada. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Tamiya-Vintage-SEES-Aluminum-Wheels-Blackfoot-Monster-Beetle-NEW/224037877806?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20170119204035%26meid%3Ddb17eccfe8234df599a5f3456d5d114f%26pid%3D100033%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D2%26sd%3D224037877806%26itm%3D224037877806%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2045573%26brand%3DTamiya&_trksid=p2045573.c100033.m2042
  12. The Tundra has tons of potential to be made very realistic and to stand out. Here is mine.
  13. Well, now I've the following NIB: 1. Original Hornet Kit #58045. 2. Jun Watanabe Hornet Kit #58527. 3. Black Metallic Hornet Kit #84383. 4. Supreme Hornet Kit #92411. JUST ARRIVED !
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