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Found 11 results

  1. While I was assembling my Mini 4WD 1/32 Unimog, I came up with the idea of making it remote-controlled and, of course, steerable. After doing some research on the Internet, I had the impression that my plan was not entirely unrealistic. I wanted to at least try it. It soon became clear to me that I didn't want to modify the chassis, but wanted to keep it in its original state. I had to build a new chassis myself. I couldn't keep the existing nice worm gear and central drive shaft either, as it would no longer be 4WD but 2WD. So I had to think about a new gear unit and for the front I needed a new suspension and, above all, steering. To be honest, I was pretty apprehensive about the whole thing. But one day I got to work... Here are a few photos documenting the creation of my 2WD RC Mini Unimog. Maybe it will be an inspiration for others who are planning something similar. Most of the parts I already had at home. For my project I bought a set of wheels from a Mini 4WD Land Cruiser, a bag of gears and a small 2S Lipo. After initial tests with cardboard, I made a chassis out of 5mm walnut wood. Now it was time to think about the front suspension and steering. Unfortunately all my replacement steering knuckles were too big. So I made my own, one set out of plastic and one out of wood. I chose the wooden ones. A one-piece steering rod. Two seperate steering rods are better. :-) First steering test with servo connected - it works! Now it was time to install the axles, the gears, the servo and motor in their final (and exact) positions. I had to measure very, very precisely. It took me a while to get the chassis tuned well enough. That was the moment when I really gained a lot of respect for the work of the engineers and designers in car construction. If I had installed nice 1/32 TRF oil dampers, it would have been easier. :-) And now I could finally start installing the electronics. It's been already very tight with the motor and servo, but now the controller, receiver and LiPo still had to be accommodated. What a crowded house! And of course I needed body posts! Comparison of the original and homemade chassis. And then came the big moment: My RC Mini 2WD Unimog drives. It actually drives! The gears are'nt running smoothly yet, the steering angle is too small, that could be improved. In particular, the gear ratio is not right yet, I would like it to be more like a crawler. But for now I am happy and will leave it as it is. I now know how to do it and can build a version 2 one day when I feel like doing these tiny tinkering things again.
  2. Hi everyone, A Marui Hunter. My first buggy was a Marui Hunter. There was two stars on the box, it came from Japan, but it was from another brand than Tamiya. It has a weird front suspension, the rear chassis structure looked like a copycat of the Tamiya's holiday buggy, but it has something different. It was nice in my eyes. After months, I finally found a Marui Hunter chassis fior a rebuild. When I saw it, I did not took the time to look precisely the pictures and ask for how much delivery before confirming I'm taking it. The add was removed shortly after, and I did not even asked for more picture before taking my decision (I would not have it otherwise, I guess - because one looking at it would have been probably ready to pay more). It's finally arrived, and I got the time to inspect the chassis. It is is in nice condition (no broken parts from what is present). The differential is in within nice condition as well. And wheels/tires are perfect taking into consideration of their age (not even flat - it seems it was kept in right condition). That being said, there is missing parts: - Motor and motor support - Iddle gear and iddle gear axle, and fixation - gear enclosings - radio box and pilot figure - roll bar and body mount - servo saver - MSC (or ESC) I believe the body shell is ok and I should have a way to clean it and repaint it, while there is reproductions for the stickers (even though, I may try to keep the orginal ones - not sure yet on how to do that). I already found out there is some of the parts I can find repro on shapeways. I would prefer orginal ones if possible, but that would be a plan B in case I can't find them. If you have a Marui Hunter/Galaxy motor mount, it would be great if you can provide pictures with measurements so I can rebuild one... As well I would need the measurements for the gear cover (the one next to the motor) as there is no repro available on shapeways for it. Anycase, I willl update in this thread about the progress on this project. See you!
  3. I Recently got back into the hobby, with a general emphasis on participating in racing. There's a great local track that race's 1/10 EP only (rare here) with a good turn out for stock buggy 2wd and 4wd, plus other classes every fortnight. I did really want to use a Tamiya chassis in 2wd or 4wd stock, but fairly quickly realized after practicing with my DF01/DT02, that It's probably not a practical choice. I bought a used Xray XB2, and have done 2 races so far in stock class, and feel like it's coming together, quietly expecting to podium the B main in the next race or 2. After my first race though I definitely realized that the day would be a lot more fun with 2 cars. Although my DF01 is just about there with a set up to work ok in 4WD stock, it's proved horribly unreliable, I have faith i'll get it to a point where I can run it, but running it every at every race is probably going to be frustrating. The surface at our track is definitely part of the problem. It's outdoors, using a surface designed for BMX racing, super high grip, and pretty unforgiving on the car. Having the Xray for 2wd left my DT02 without a purpose, side by side with modern 2wd race buggies it's very obvious there's a difference very few drivers could make up.. So I thought I would have a go at converting it to a Stadium Truck. This is a "less serious" class at our track, with truggy and ST run together, motors are free, standard gearing for a DT02 is ~9.2?? with a 19t pinion, and about 8.2?? with a 17t, so it should run well with 10.5, or 13.5, which will make it pretty fun I ran the DT02 at our track quite a bit, I ended up breaking both towers, but it took a long time, and the truck body will save them anyway. The tub did end up basically worn out on the bottom and also cracked in a few spots. I'm going make up some skid plates, which are a general necessity at our track no matter what car you run, that should save the wearing through, and cracks may have been my error with incorrect screw lengths, or driving heaps of laps and not noticing things loosening off. I think I'll get better life out of the fresh one I have. I've always loved the Stadium Blitzer. I consider the DT02 to be a kind of spiritual successor to the Blitzer cars. They are both basic 2wd buggies in the classic style, the only real difference being the very deep offset and wider wheels. So first step was to find some wheels. I found some old Traxxas wheels which looked like they might work, and ran the idea past local hobby shop, and he came back with a suggestion of some old Thunder Tiger wheels, which turned out to be perfect. They're the same width front and back, so will work with modern tyres, they're also bearing type front, AND metric, AND fit on a normal buggy front knuckle. The rears are pin drive, so also bolt straight on, and the offsets seem to be in the ball park for sure.. So here they are. You can also see my spur gear mod from the cars previous iteration, which I'll no longer need for the motor I'll be running. Front - Rear - Body on - Top view of body - Rear 1/4 Front - This body I got from a Vintage Dyna Blaster. I'll run this for now, it definitely has some character, ill clean it up a bit (more) and remove the Dyna Blaster decals, but I have a Stadium Blitzer body and decals on the way, which I'll do in box art Next up is to build a fresh set of CVA's. And later this week or next body mounting, after I grab some tyres. I think with some trimming I should have just enough clearance, but if not I've got a few ideas for widening the track a little.
  4. My club has so many classes. Perfect excuse to acquire more kits This is the Yokomo SO 1.0 2WD buggy. Modified (Xerun 160A esc + 6.5T motor)
  5. Associated Trophy Rat 2WD buggy RTR £230 Inc free UK shipping for TC/forum member. Element Gatekeeper builders kit, Inc beadlock wheels and tyres (not provided when shop bought) £230 Looking to free up some cash PayPal gift please
  6. OK so this question is actually in relation to my Kyosho Beetle but since it's about 2.2" buggy tyres I'm sure it's perfectly relevant to any buggy! I've just got hold of some 2.2" Turbo Scorpion wheels for my Beetle which I'm going to use for running thanks to the wider range of tyres available at a lower cost! This is where I struggle a little as there's no so much choice! What I'm after is something that is decent enough on broken asphalt and loose gravel (basically the lane behind my house). I'm no racer so I'm not after balls out performance just something durable and reasonably grippy. Apologies if this has been asked a million times before (what tyre threads on push bike forums are always cringe fests!) Thanks!
  7. Hey guys! I am currently looking into rebuilding and modifying my old Fighter Buggy RX for some track use (obviously wont be competitive) and for some general light bashing too but i am too unsure of what tires I should use? (Sticking with standard buggy tire size) The surface would mainly be some pavement, light grass, gravel / dirt. I was looking at the Proline tires Front : Proline 4 Rib M3 Compound Rear : Proline Holeshot M3 Compound Or Schumacher cactus / others. The problem is, the DT01 chassis isnt great.. And I just want slightly better grip tires for her to handle without constantly rolling over from having too much high grip, what do you guys think / recommend? Also, i should point out Im not a fan of the carson tires.. I know they are decent and all terrain but the look is 🤮.
  8. So I've just purchased a nearly new Madcap that's only been run a couple of times indoors. Just wondering what's the hotest motor I can put in it without risking the diff, and what other sensible mods would you advise. It will mainly be a shelfer with a bit of light use. Thanks
  9. Hi people! This is a new project. This is a long term project. I will need many time to complete it because it will have custom parts. I'm sure you will like it so follow this thread and stay tuned. Max
  10. Bored at the inlaws. Been mucking around with the setup on my dt03. I am still working on it but on loose surfaces where I am enjoying driving and on the green ckmpound schumacher rt1 tyres on the road it is very oversteery. It's fun but would like a little more predictability to the handling. Aside from setup changes I currently have the kit geared diff with think grease in it. Seems to me that the car puts down its power fairly cleanly, and from what I understand from full size cars a locking diff might actually make it more oversteery because both rear wheels spin up together? I have I got this round my neck and actually there is more traction because the ball diff puts the power down more cleanly? What do you think? I'm not racing, just bashing and enjoying tinkering. However as much as I would like to delude myself otherwise that I am keeping hop ups sensible the ball diff is pretty much the only thing I haven't bought now so my as well go all in? What have you got people?
  11. Was too sure where I should post this, sorry if it's in the wrong place. Ordered a Mabull today for my little lad, got it from Goldstar as they were the cheapest option, ordered it with a Tamiya ESC and a set of bearings and steel pinion gear (19t) Plan at the moment is to run it with the silver can, or that is too fast, switch out to a 55t. Will be using my Flysky GT2B with it. im after a reccomendatio for a steering servo please? And any other suggestions for what it may require to be a solid basher for a little one.
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