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Found 6 results

  1. Threadit: This began as a TA04 build, which quickly became a TA04-SS kit rebuild followed by a TA04-TRF bits-a-build. Essentially building a super-hopped-up TA04 without a base kit, just all parts sourced from the web and spares. I then realised that this is a thing I do. Looking for parts for one build, getting over excited and buying so many hop ups and parts that the original kit has so many left overs, you can almost build a second car. With just a few more parts. I love the research, I love the list building, I love the quest to search these parts down. I love working out how it will all fit together. And I love building them. I realised that in various boxes around the place (primarily hidden in the loft ) I have nearly all parts needed to build: TA04-TRF (Mercedes AGM CLK-DTM Mercedes AMG-GT3 Audi V8 Touring) Build complete / body to finish TA04-R (Mercedes CLK GTR Original Teile Audi R8 LMS) Complete TA04-TRF (Ford Mondeo BTTC) TA02-SW (Porsche 911 GT2) Complete TA02-W (Nissan 300ZX IMSA) TB Evo III (Mercedes 190E Skyline GT-R R32) Complete FF03-RR (Peugeot 306 Maxi Alfa 155 V6TI) Build complete / body to finish TT02 Type S Complete TA04-R Tuned (Nissan R390 GT1) So rather than do a build thread for each, I thought I'd edit this thread (Threadit! Geddit?) and turn it into a bits-a-build project thread My name's Juhunio, and I'm a bits-a-build addict. So, back over to the original thread....the threadit kicks in on page 3 starting with a TA02-SW 911 GT2 Then continues here with the TA04-R ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This thread begins with a body shell. An AMG CLK-DTM 2002 shell, to be precise It's a beautiful thing, and I had planned to put it on an Evo3 build that's somewhere in the works. But it came pre-drilled with body post holes for posts mounted on the front damper mount, not the bumper So I needed another chassis for it. I already have a couple of TT02s, and really enjoyed the experience of building the more retro TB-02, so thought I would go back in time once again.... A bit of research showed that the TA-04 had body posts in the right place, and also had a bit of a quirk in the two-belt drive system. I've got a TA-05 and TA-07, so the TA-04 sounded like an interesting bet I found a built but mint condition TA-04SS Audi TT-R DTM, which came with an unpainted body shell and TRF dampers So I figured this would do the trick! Swap the rear arms to those from an S or R to achieve the 257mm wheelbase, and I would have an interesting build and a home for the AMG shell But then I started investigating TA-04 hop ups and, well.....
  2. This build thread will be dedicated to the early Tamiya Touring Cars which is one of my main Tamiya passions. I have built up an interesting collection of Kits, Parts and Hop Ups that will be built up and documented here. I’m going to do some side by side comparisons from the original parts to the Hop Up parts and showcase some rare and hard to find parts. It’s going to be an ongoing thread which I think is better than starting multiple threads for each chassis and I welcome anyone to join in.
  3. Hi guys, its been over 25 years that i made my last Tamiya kit ( yes im getting old! ) As i watch a lot of random youtube clips i stumpled on the clip from Tamiya Legends on his Cobalt Green GT2, and after that i knew i needed to do something similair., the pics of the KUHFARBEN ones and the topic of GermanTA03GUY didnt do any good either i just needed to have a go at this myself after all of those years.. IMHO 993 GT2 is one of the sexiest models Tamiya has ever made.. I started looking around for a complete Tamiya Porsche GT2 kit or body... complete was not easy and i found a unpainted gt2 body from Tamiya from a guy from Germany, bought it.. but still havent recieved it as its M.I.A ( big thx for the fkcup @ DHL ) In the mean time i had bought a Pandora chassis display as i dont have the intention on driving it anyways , just fiddling around with it, painting it... doing some mods on it.. etc... Bought some DS racing DE 5 spoke wheels with the adjustable offsets in gumetal... as i was and still am waiting for the body to show up.. i kept on buying some stuff like.. tamiya cockpit.. styrene stuff for the rollcage, 3dwrapup for the lights, tamiya light kit etc etc etc.. But still no body.... so bought from the same guy a NIB TA02SW GT2 complete kit... asked him to send this one with another shippingcompany and while im still waiting on that to arrive uhmm i literally just bought another NIB complete GT2 kit.. Ordered some different wheels for that one... paint , mods , parts etc all is on its way and ill make a build topic on this here.. Ill start this one of with just 2 simple pics of the pandora display chassis, very simple concept.. will take any 1/10 body, you can change width, length, wheelbase etc etc... quickly mounted my first set of DS Racing gunmetal wheels. A lot more to come very soon!!!! and while it wont be anything new ill try to document this bodybuild for the people who are interested, The GT2 will be a hybrid RWB / trackday kinda style GT2.... For now im just waiting on parts Cya soon!!
  4. There are plenty of very detailed 934 RSR build threads on here; green ones, black ones, red ones, kit ones, bits ones, 236mm ones... So this won't be a hugely detailed step by step, but more the specific points that may be of interest, and I found either interesting or challenging (or both!) when converting a standard 236mm TA02-SW to 230mm wheelbase, making it in theory a better fit for the 230mm body shell as originally intended for the 30th Anniversary Vaillant 934 This build started out as this 84431 40th Anniversary Jagermeister Kit
  5. Folllowing dusting down my old Taisan Starcard Porsche TA02SW I used to race in an indoor track (stock car) some 20 years ago, I want to give it a new lease of life with a focus for some off-roading. Ideally I want to retain some of the original aspects and not spend too much but struggling to decide what is the best route to go to get good ground clearance and can attack some jumps...! Current thoughts are: - TA02T Ford150 (which I understand perhaps maybe a relatively easy conversion) - truck style, but looks like it can handle some bumps - Manta Ray / blazing star (?) reminds me of my Madcap days but unsure where to start converting this (also understand chasis needs changing out as well) - TA02 rally spec, though it seems the rally cars don't achieve great ground clearance and thus not good on grass/bumps and small jumps Some advice/thoughts would be appreciated. Once decided I can then try and work out what I need to order to crack on with my rebuild!! p.s. found this some other threads related to this but nothing specific https://www.tamiyaclub.com/showroom_model.asp?cid=48983&id=2193 https://www.tamiyaclub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/89225-%C2%BB-the-definitive-df01ta012ff01-wheelbase-guide-%C2%AB/&tab=comments#comment-744136 https://www.tamiyaclub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/70837-help-from-ta02-experts/
  6. Hey guys, I'm looking for a very good condition (can be used, just not cracked or scratched badly) set of silver plastic gearboxes from a TA02SW Taisan Porsche. I already have black, red and soon blue gearbox parts but I still need the silver ones and I would like to use them on my TA02 M-chassis conversion I bought from Japan recently. If you have a set, please let me know
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