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Found 31 results

  1. Hello everyone looking for some help with a question about the decals for the Newman Porsche kit 5852. I am currently working through the restoration of a Newman Porsche. The original body was a disaster so I purchased a replacement body that matches up with the original parts numbers according to Tamiyabase. The body came with a decal set that is the "Pierlant" set. See attached photo. I was intending to restore it back to the box art. However, the decals that came with the kit originally are substantially different than the "Pierlant" set. I only have a handful of the original decals because the previous owner used them up elsewhere. When I referenced Tamiyabase "decals base" section and decals in the parts section both say the Pierlant set came with the original Newman Porsche. Those don't however match up with the ones in the manual or the graphics on the box cover (see attached photos). Coincidentally if you do a model search of kit 58052 in Tamiyabase the photo of the Newman built as an example doesn't have the "Pierlant" decals. It has the box art decals. So, Tamiyabase somewhat contradicts itself there. Does anyone know why the two sets of decals exist for the Newman Porsche? I have not seen the decals per box art or manual anywhere to be purchased yet. Only the Pierlant version. Thanks for reading and any help. Pics 1&2 are of the Pierlant set and placement Pics 3&4 are box art and manual decals and placement
  2. Hello everyone looking for some help with a question about the decals for the Newman Porsche kit 5852. I am currently working through the restoration of a Newman Porsche. The original body was a disaster so I purchased a replacement body that matches up with the original parts numbers according to Tamiyabase. The body came with a decal set that is the "Pierlant" set. See attached photo. I was intending to restore it back to the box art. However, the decals that came with the kit originally are substantially different than the "Pierlant" set. I only have a handful of the original decals because the previous owner used them up elsewhere. When I referenced Tamiyabase "decals base" section and decals in the parts section both say the Pierlant set came with the original Newman Porsche. Those don't however match up with the ones in the manual or the graphics on the box cover (see attached photos). Coincidentally if you do a model search of kit 58052 in Tamiyabase the photo of the Newman built as an example doesn't have the "Pierlant" decals. It has the box art decals. So, Tamiyabase somewhat contradicts itself there. Does anyone know why the two sets of decals exist for the Newman Porsche? I have not seen the decals per box art or manual anywhere to be purchased yet. Only the Pierlant version. Thanks for reading and any help Pic 1 and 2 are of the Pierlant decals and their placement pics 3 and 4 are of the box art and manual decals
  3. Hi all, I've just completed spraying 6 coats of Tamiya TS (41, coral blue) onto my Lunch Box (see pics below). FYI I waited 24 hours between each coat of paint. I understand that I should now let it "cure" for 7 days before applying stickers and clear coat? My intentions are: after curing, I will apply THESE stickers (Mystery Machine, vinyl) followed by two cans (approx 6 total coats) of TS-80 Clear Flat Spray. My understanding is that I will need plenty of clear-coat to smooth over the edges of these stickers (which are thicker than the stock Lunchbox decals provided by Tamiya). I'm also going for a matte look, which is why I opted for the TS-80, and why I will not be sanding my paintjob prior to spraying on the clear coat. Nonetheless, I'm curious to hear your tips about what to do PRE-clear coat, i.e. I recall someone suggesting washing the paint after curing with dish soap (I suppose to wash off all the paint dust? Up until now I've only used a paper towel and compressed air between each coat). In another thread, someone else wrote: What does "flash out" mean exactly? And how long is too long before the clear coat fails to "adhere chemically" to the paint? And in another thread, this user wrote: Why did this happen? And how to prevent it? Should I be concerned about the TS-80 Clear Flat Spray eating these vinyl stickers? Thanks in advance, I really appreciate everyone's feedback!
  4. 1/10 scale stickers for your Lancia 037 model: the 1983 Lancia 037 – Jolly Club Totip 1983 Group B Rallye San Remo livery, drivers M. Biasion and T. Siviero. Accurate and detailed design Printed on high quality, transparent vinyl Gloss laminated for optimal protection Worldwide shipping € 30,-- including worldwide shipping
  5. 1/10 scale stickers for your Lancia 037 model: the PVS Wladoil livery, driven during the 61 Rally Costa Brava, drivers E. Baldaccini and “Pedro”. Accurate and detailed design Printed on high quality, transparent vinyl Gloss laminated for optimal protection Worldwide shipping € 30,-- included shipping
  6. Hi all, I've got a hpi subaru impreza 98 wrc bodyshell, I purchased it without the decals and now I'm trying to find a set, I tried/ had a set of tamiya scooby decals but they were slightly smaller then needed and didn't look decent enough for my liking, does anyone at all know where I could try to find some, or even a scanned copy of the original decals possibly?? I contacted hpi themselves but they can't help me out Thanks
  7. I design decal stickers for TAIYO / Tyco Vintage RC. Looking to see if there is any demand for reproduction decals? Have already designed for Jet hopper / turbo hopper Heads up hopper BANDIT Nissan Racing Pickup Truck 348 ferrari Can do more on request.
  8. Hi Legends. I’m just starting out on my kit painting career. I was wondering, with regards to lexan bodies, why people don’t place the decals first, then spray over them. Would this not protect the decals from scratches etc? Or is it a case that the decals are too thin and any paint would show through and discolour them?
  9. Hi, Would anyone have these for sale by any chance: 53504 TRF sticker b (blue/white) 49246 TRF sticker b (blue/pink) 42237 TRF sticker c (blue border) 49229 TRF sticker b (blue/yellow) Many thanks Justin
  10. Hi guys, when building a custom car, where do you get your decals? Is there any online store specialized on this? I am looking also to make my own customized numbers, did anyone try some print on demand services? Thank you.
  11. I have a 911 RSR arriving in the next few days. My plan is to not do it as per the box art, but go for this colour scheme I've seen on the Singer website: As such, I'm looking for some basic decals with "Porsche" in orange etc on them. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I might be able to buy these?
  12. Ok, this is my first foray into an R/C build and it came to a stage for affixing some decals to the chassis. So I watched several youtube videos on the matter and equipped myself with: hobby knife, micro set, detail paint brushes, cotton buds, kitchen towel, reverse action blunt ended tweezers and a dish of warm water. In the videos the decal slid neatly off the backing paper and on to the model where it could be slid into place. That's not quite what happened with me. No matter how long or short I soaked the decal in the water for, all that happened was that the blue backing paper turned into a mush and wouldn't come away from the decal. The three decals I now have on my clod look an embarrassing mess and have stuck on with a varying degree of success. Simple question, where am I going wrong please?
  13. Was digging through my old decal bag today and found these: Genuine Tamiya Vanquish Decals, leftovers from when I built mine nearly 30 years ago. Thought they might help someone complete a resto Open to offers.
  14. With the new Lancia 037 coming out, I am eager to get my hands on one. Given the relative ubiquity of Martini Racing 037s, I was hoping to secure an alternative decal sheet to depict a different car, i.e. one of the Lancia junior team's Totip racers, or a Würth-sponsored car, or some sort of regional/privateer entry. However, outside of a rare set of 1:10 scale decals that have been untraceable afterwards, I have never seen an alternative decal sheet that would fit an 037 in this scale. Is there something I have missed, then? I see that The Rally Legends had several 037 body sets depicting different liveries from the 1983 season, but cannot find the individual body sets for sale, let alone decal sheets. I cannot justify taking on an extra shell just for the decals yet, but for the right livery, I could. I say this, seeing an alternative Martini set with a body online, though I would not even be using the entire sheet in that instance; hence, my reluctance. Otherwise, I will either be designing my own from an existing scale model decal sheet, or scavenging decals from other 1:10 sheets to replicate an alternative livery. These seem the more likely options, though I wanted to check here in the hopes that somebody knows something I do not. Hopefully, this topic can also help somebody with a similar intention for their re-re-release Lancia. Thanks in advance!
  15. On a car that you've built strictly for bashing, do you put on every sticker that came in the kit, or just the important ones?
  16. Do you ever have in your minds eye what a project will look like and when you've finished the paint you don't want to cover it? ive just finished painting my 72 Chevy clodbuster. I'd bought from the USA some nice Parma decals that have lots of retro sponsors on that I thought would, you know look a bit monster trucky, that sort of thing. Now looking at the paint I don't want to stick the decals on a spoil the clean look, yet I do because it's not "finished" as I have the decals sitting there :-/. I am aware this all sounds very OCD. Also do you ever spend such a long time on something you want to keep it as a shelfer, yet actually you want to run it? This project is full of conflicts ha
  17. Hi all I have 1 set of Mondeo touring car decals with masks for sale Mondeo £40 posted pics here http://jpegbay.com/gallery/005984414-.html#1 GH decals SOLD Just the Mondeo decals left now
  18. Hi , has anyone got a set of decals or part sheets of decals for the Marauder or any spare parts chassis, engine, body ,wheels etc cheers
  19. I am looking for a used Grasshopper body. I bought a used re-release GH on here a while back with the intention of stripping it down, cleaning it and rebuilding it for my son. Now he is 3.5 year old and taking a keen interest in my Monster Beetle, I thought it time to get the GH running, but don't want to spend £30 on a new body and decals that'll prob get wrecked. So I am looking for a decent used body (preferably with most decals on it) at a decent price Let me know what you have please. Many thanks James
  20. Hi guys, I am researching a decal printer for printing RC decals, anyone can recommend one? Someone recommended the Roland VersaStudio BN-20 which is way out of budget ... Appreciated much and thanks!
  21. There are a bunch of partial vintage decal sheets and loose decals I no longer need that could be useful for people's restorations: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331792097285 Included are a nearly complete Nissan King Cab sheet + partial Astute, Supershot, Fox, Super Sabre, Super Champ, Hornet and Madcap (possibly others, or interchangeable between some models). See pics for what's included. Also NIP Vintage Avante and Terra Scorcher decal sheets: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NIP-Vintage-Tamiya-Avante-Decals-58072-NEW-SEALED-MINT-CONDITION-X10176-/331792101127 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tamiya-Terra-Scorcher-Decals-NIP-Vintage-58075-NEW-SEALED-Item-9495095-X10226-/331776077416 OFFERS WELCOME!
  22. Nice NIP decals now surplus to my need due to buying complete body sets or finished buggies... make me a 'Best Offer' and tell me you're from TC in the notes! King Cab Decals: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331776068134 Hot Shot II Decals: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331776072712 Terra Scorcher Decals: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331776077416
  23. Selling these super cheap b/c I need a quick few $. Lowest prices you'll ever find for these! Bigwig ($30): http://www.ebay.com/itm/NIP-Vintage-Tamiya-Bigwig-Decals-9495069-X9926-58057-NEW-SEALED-MINT-CONDITION-/331719531589 Striker ($30): http://www.ebay.com/itm/331719534721 All gone!
  24. I have a complete set, still in the wrapper of decals for the MB that I am willing to part with to a good home. I have just dusted my MB off after 20 years plus in the attic and will just use it for bashing, it would be a shame to waste these on that. Here are some pics, I can give more if required. As you can see from the pics of the backing sheet these are 100% genuine original and from the gunk on the tape I have never opened the packet.
  25. Anybody on here know where I can get some custom designed decals printed? I really dont get why it is so incredible hard to find someone who can print WHITE on CLEAR vinyl in appropriate quality. I am graphic designer, I have direct contact with sevefral local print shops, but none of them can do white print on clear vinyl. I have contacted businesses in the UK, the US and Austrailia - whom claim they can do it, but are reluctant to ship to Norway. I have designed some custom decals for a variation of projects I'm working on, some vintage Tamiyas and some decals for my skydiving helmets etc. Does anybody on here know of a service that can do small volume digital print, with white on clear vinyl suitable for decals/stickers?
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