So, I've been thinking about 3D printers for a little while now. Should i get one???
I have several Ideas of parts I'd like to make, either in a different stronger material, or some custom bits for my Bruiser and race cars. However, this is a subject that is completely new to me and can see there being many other possibilities of things I could make. particularly for my 1:1 cars.
I have a few questions:
Any particular makes to look out for/avoid.
What type(s) of filament should I be looking for when it comes to making RC parts?
What are the material costs like, and the running costs?
How easy is it to scan an item you want to replicate? How easy is the software to use? (again does this come down to make?)
What size should i be looking at?
Am I looking at this subject thinking it will be easy, and it's not?
Anything else I should consider?
Manyh thanks in advance for your input and feedback