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Found 6 results

  1. Hi. Recently I found my old TT02S from around 2 years ago. I always loved it but I found I had no room to race it to it's full potential. That's why I'm absolutely crazy and making it into a drift car. Which hasnt been exactly easy. Since starting, I purchased a large angle steering rack from YR, aswell as a YR Gyro. I also purchased a YR propshaft before realising I wanted it to be RWD. The kit and Gyro are installed, however my servo struggles recentering. Any help? I have tried adjusting the wheel fitment, making more room for the arm which connects the two steering rack arm things, and also using a different servo ripped from my TT02B.
  2. Has anyone heard of the TT02D Type-S??? I just saw Thercracer do a review of it. Does anyone own one? If so, what do you think of it? From a beginner drifting standpoint? Is it THAT much better than a (mostly) stock tt02 with drift tires? Also, where to find it for sale, in the US?
  3. Hello. I am recently getting into 1/24th scale RC drifting. Having a bit of trouble though. As I am new to this, not really sure what good sources there are for just 1/24th scale stuff. Sometimes I’ll be looking at a motor, or ESC, or something and I’ll check around for reviews on multiple sites, and then by the 3rd site I find out it’s a 1/10th scale item even though I’m specifically searching for 1/24th scale electronics. Quick rundown of what I currently have: Chassis: Drift Art 2.6ex Chassis Drift Art 3s Chassis (on pre-order currently) Electronics: DriftArt DVF-AFRC V3 Servo DA-SV-D1 DriftArt HGV4 gyro with Shell Red DA-GYSL-4CR Controller: Futaba 10PX I am looking for some recommendations on any of my missing electronics. If they are compatible with the fancier features of the 10PX that would be great (the real time tuning and adjusting stuff). But even if it can’t be done with just the 10PX (I’ve learned most electronics with these features are 1/10th scale unfortunately ex. Acuvance Xarvis XX). I would like some real time way of making adjustments, I’ve seen some parts mentioning iOS apps and such with Hobby Wing and Furitek parts. I have a fairly good budget remaining for the rest of the electronics. I don’t mind spending extra for nice added features. such as real time adjusting and that stuff. I am in search of a quality ESC right now, looking for something sensored, brushless, and will play well with my 10PX for any added bells and whistles. Currently researching the “ATOMIC Mini 24A Sensored ESC”. I know the ESC I choose will determine my choices for possible batteries & motors so if their is a better option out there far as ESC’s go please drop the item or link below. Once I have ordered the ESC I will be looking for recommendations of motors & batteries, just don’t want to get ahead of myself and end up with parts that are incompatible. Thanks for any help/advice.
  4. Hey! Not many here may be into drifting, but since I my my old RC Drift forum obviously broke down the day I wanted to upload this, here we go. This car started out life as a run-of-the-mill TA-05. I purchased it several years ago, with the idea of converting it to CS. (Making the rear wheels turn faster, recreating a RWD car that requires you to countersteer constantly, instead of steering into a corner, with a 4WD car.) Long story short, it was one hacked together dumpster fire of a chassis and never saw action. Then RWD came around, and I decided to go for it. And once again, I couldn't get something sensible out of it, and it sat on my shelf, unfinished. Last year, I brought it back from project badword, and ordered a bunch of shiny aluminum parts. I used my newfound kwonledge to design custom chassis plates, which I had lasercut by a local company, and created this bespoke car. It took some tinkering to get it to it's current state, which I finally deem presentable. The transparent blue Special edition parts are my main reason for not going with another conversion kit. Combined with blue alloy and pink hardware it makes for a really unique eyecatcher. The cut-out logo is inspired by the fijon TA-05 Kit, which was one of the first conversion kits I looked into, and another reason why I couldn't settle for anything else. If you wonder what "Rubik's Cube!" is supposed to mean, I made it up as a team name, when my brother was still into RC. I love old school japanese team names, like Magician or Mind Control, that have no obvious relation to cars. And while listening to "Abracadabra" under the shower, I had the idea for "Rubik's Cube!". It's retro, a toy, a mystery, and spells out RC when abbreviated. Bingo. The battery is raised for increased weight shift(It can also be mounted in the stock position), and the steering now uses Eagle racing TA-05 VDF parts with stock TA-05 mounting points. Therefore, the front bulkhead had to be replaced with this mashup of parts, that allows the steering arms to move inside of it. The rear suspension has been replaced with EA Streetjam R31 style TA-05 parts. Also, there's no droop limit and the TRF dampers have been bored up to 1.5mm holes. 13,5T Hobbywing JuStock brushless combo Futaba 9450 servo Sanwa MX-V transmitter and receiver SkyRC gyro
  5. My local track has put down a small carpet drift track, and it seems to be gaining traction (heh!) among our club members. At the same time, I happened across a TA03F Pro David Jun for a decent-enough price. The car was a little rough, but it seemed to be all there. However, I didn't need another touring car, now did I? But a dedicated drift car would be nice! So a little money was exchanged, and a few days later this showed up at my doorstep: Like I said, it's a little rough. The previous owner has cut off the front bumper, for some reason, and did some smoothing on the front gearbox. One thing that the previous owner also did was to hollow out the unused rear gearbox section, probably for electronics. I actually don't mind that, as I was planning to do that anyway, and it's done quite neatly. I'm not sure if the neon-yellow stabilzer bars are stock, but I suppose I could always get other ones, or strip the coating off of them if they start annoying me. It has a front one-way, and a rear ball diff. Right, time to start digging in! First things first, removing the body posts. It came with a REALLY short set of front body posts, and a set of normal-length front body posts on the rear. This meant that in order to fit the Skyline body I have planned for it, I need different body posts. @Fuijo had a set of bent-backwards body posts left over from his TB01, and I wanted to see if they fit. Which they do, but they're on inside-out. The little square nub is supposed to slot into the rear shock tower. Which it doesn't, since it faces the other way. Fine with me, this also works, and with all the material hitting the plastic shock tower it seems snug enough. Time will tell, but I suppose this works for now. (Also note the purple hardware used to mount the shocks. Ugh!) Since I don't have the manual for the car (yet), I'm a little apprehensive about tearing the car apart. So I wanted to focus on placing the electronics first. Since it's a drift car on a small track, it won't need a lot of power. - Savöx servo (this type basically goes into every car I have) - Hobbywing QuicRun 1060WP ESC - OrangeRX GR300 receiver - Tamiya Torque Tuned motor (because I had one. I also have a Sport Tuned if the TT turns out to lack the power needed) - 4500 mAh shorty 2S lipo. Why a shorty? Well, I couldn't fit a square lipo pack in the stock battery 'box'. So I got creative: Yup, that fits between the servo and the rear bulkhead! (Note the spacers moving the servo forward). Now, how to strap the battery in.... I don't have the room to build a release mechanism, and tape is just not very elegant.. Velcro works, but since the chassis has all these cutouts you don't have a lot of surface area to stick velcro to. But what about a small styrene place, screwed in through the holes left by the original battery box? I bought some carbon-fiber wrap today. I figured this would look better than the stark white styrene on an otherwise black chassis. On this plate I then stuck some velcro tape, and the same along the bottom of the battery. Works really well, and fits neatly under the belt. Next time we'll focus on placing the ESC and receiver, and sorting out the mess of wiring. After that I'd like to peek inside the gearboxes. As far as I can tell you can take both ends of the car off without disturbing the two CF plates holding them together, and I'd like to see what shape everything is in.
  6. Hey guys just wondering if anyone has any experience in drifting this chassis? ive just picked one up. Running 10.5t brushless motor, esc, lipo, and some drift wheels. Well i had it at the track last night.... and needless to say it was a mess. It seemed to want to spin at the slightest touch of the steering. with my ESC and motor it almost felt like the car had too much power. I test fitted a Gyro and wasnt much help.... Im determined to make it work though. heres my inspiration... this is an m-06 chassis with mods. Not sure what mods though.I have seen a mod on another m chassis to get crazy lock, and thought this might help just need to figure out if it will suit the m-06. Any one any thoughts? it would be greatly appreciated.
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