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Found 7 results

  1. A few weeks ago a decided to have a go at reviving a vintage bigwig that had been sitting around in storage for 35 years. It wasn’t in great condition, because it had stopped working a long time ago and the previous owner had spray painted the entire body and pretty much everything else silver.. And then proceeded to drill 4 holes in the chassis for two sets of wires. (Motor wires and battery connections.) Anyways, I started by stripping out the old mechanical speed controller and receiver (the transmitter was lost, perhaps thrown away unconsciously.) Since then I’ve put a Hobbywing 1060 in it along with a Dumbo RC x6pm-350. (Not the most professional setup but it works just fine, and I was on a budget.) Everything works mechanically now, apart from a few cracked components that I’ve ordered replacements for but I’ve hit a wall in terms of appearance. What should I do with the silver paint? And what sort of hop ups should I buy/not buy for it? Thanks in advance! Note 3 visible holes sticking out and crudely applied paint. It’s not that obvious here, but the paint job extends to everything from the arms and gearbox casings to the bathtub chassis and wheel knuckles.
  2. Any suggestions on a livery using 3 colors for this body? I want to use these wheels and tires from protoform on my Tamiya TT02R. But my question is what width hex adapters should I use to get a setup that makes the wheels sit as close to the fenders as possible? (Using 31mm wheels for the back and 26mm for the front). But I have read that these tires are not very grippy, are there any tires that have more grip than the VTA ones that fit the 31/26mm rims? (going to be running it on the street)
  3. So I finally finished the paint job that a lot of people thought I was crazy for attempting. First I tracked down an original king cab body that I have been searching for years in a Japan auction site and fought really hard in a bid war and won. But then the decision of painting it had to be made. A lot of people said I should just leave it in the box unpainted, and the king cab is one of the most difficult bodies to paint, but I just had to do it. Yes, I feel could have done a better job, but it's not bad for it being my first lexan body paint job,my first air brush paint job, and my first original tamiya king cab body. I really took my time with this one a total of 6 days to complete but it was worth it. I know this might be small to some, but im proud of how it came out and proud to finally be an all original tamiya king cab owner that I painted and built myself. All my other king cab bodies besides the plastic ones I have paid someone to do or they came already painted as I was afraid to tackle lexan bodies. Well not anymore! 😁
  4. Hi all, I've got a new lexan Beetle body that I want to get painted up. Has anyone tried a groovy 70's style metal flake job? What products did you use? Any tips/guides on how to do it? I've seen the Tamiya 'Lame Flake' but that's not really what I'm after. I'm thinking gold or purple...maybe both lol Cheers
  5. Hi all! I'm wrapping up on my Avante Black Special and would like some input on the paint job. I was thinking like 2 coats of PS-36 trans silver then 3 coats of PS-5 Black. how od you think that would be?
  6. Hi guys, another nice transformation of my Tamiya Dark Impact. I took a body from the Avante MKII and painted it in Ferrari F2004 livery. Here are the results. Which is the coolest? McLaren MP4/6 style of Ferrari F2004 style?
  7. Hey everyone I grabbed this Vintage Egress about 4 months back. Grabbed a few vintage avantes as well. Finally got around to really taking it out and messing around with it. Really nice! I have a question about the paint job. Look familiar to anyone?
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